July 2018 (Version 1) PUBLISHED package vs January 2019 (Version 1) Production package

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of records impactedRationale
ICPC-2 Map file47

28 records inactivated,

plus 19 new (replacement) records added, as expected due to the changes made by Donna/Krista in the mapping tool, and confirmed via email + also in the Release Notes that she completed.

GP/FP refset file47

28 records inactivated,

plus 19 new (replacement) records added, as expected due to the changes made by Monica in the Refset tool, and confirmed via email + also in the Release Notes that she completed.

ModuleDependency files2Dates changed for January 2019 as expected
Readme filen/aUpdated as expected with January 2019 dates and filenames