
Documentation on application features for specialists.

Specialist Features

These features are available to specialists in addition to the General features.

Finding available work

From the specialist dashboard, the features supports finding content that needs to be worked according to one of two tabs:

The list of available work can be searched/filtered or paged through.  Assigning work is done by clicking at the "Claim" icon to the left of each entry.  Batches of up to 100 concepts can also be claimed by using the "Claim Batch" button.

Assigning work

Assigned work fits into the same two categories as available work for a specialist.  Once assigned work can be edited by clicking on the icon to the left of each entry.  Clicking on the icon to the right will return work back to the pool for assignment.  Concepts can also be searched/filtered and paged from this view.  There are four radio buttons for seeing assigned work in different stages of the SPECIALISTs workflow

For New, Editing, and Finished work, the state of work performed to date is indicated by the type of icon to the left of each entry:


Editing assigned work

To edit assigned work, click the icon to the left of the record.  The tool will display the map record editing dashboard, which has the following components:



Finishing assigned work from the dashboard

When viewing assigned work with the Editing filter applied, a new option appears to finish work for either (1) individual concepts or (2) all currently assigned concepts presently in editing.

Clicking either button will display a modal pop-up window displaying a summary of the record and results of record validation:

Recently edited work






Feedback Conversations



Index Viewer

