
This page documents the use of admin tools to perform ad hoc fixes and/or patches for version upgrades. Ad hoc fixes are run to simply correct data conditions in the DB, they are one-time and the mojo should not be expected to retain code for the fix.

Patches have date ranges associated with them so the staging of patches can be successfully tested and deployed to dev, UAT, and then PROD.  All patches should be run in-order and one-at-a-time from the most recently run patch for a database (which ideally should be tracked in the top-level wiki with deployment info by the label "PATCH LEVEL").


Important Note:

Generally, with PatchData it will be important to update the database prior to running the patch (if any of the changes involve new or changed fields in the data model).  In addition,  there may be a corresponding patch SQL file in admin/src/main/resources, such as patch20170110.sql.

To run a patch manually:

To run a patch automatically, find the corresponding patch######.csh file in the config/prod/src/main/resources/bin directory:

After done:


This tool is used to fix a data condition or patch the database for a new release.

Following are some details about the implementation of this tool:

Mojo: AdHocMojo.java (in admin/src/main/resources/java/org/ihtsdo/otf/refset/mojo)
Project: admin
Configuration Parameters


Mojo: PatchDataMojo.java (in admin/src/main/resources/java/org/ihtsdo/otf/refset/mojo)
Project: admin
Configuration Parameters


Sample command line call to run an ad hoc fix:

% cd /home/ihtsdo/refset/code/admin
% mvn install -PAdHoc -Drefset.config=/home/ihtsdo/refset/config/config.properties


Sample command line call to upgrade the 20170110 patch (with prerequisites):

% cd /home/ihtsdo/refset/code/admin
% mvn install -PUpdatedb -Drefset.config=/home/ihtsdo/refset/config/config.properties
% mysql -u $user -p$pwd $db < /home/ihtsdo/refset/code/admin/src/main/resources/patch20170110.sql
% mvn install -PPatch -Drefset.config=/home/ihtsdo/refset/config/config.properties \
   -Dstart=20170110 -Dend=20170110


Make sure to fully test ad hoc or patch fixes on an exact copy of the environment intended to run against.  For example, if patching UAT, deploy the current state of UAT to dev, and run the patch and verify proper function.  When upgrading UAT repeat exactly the same process.

