The holds that describe A is used to give meaning to a and provide well-understood and standard ways of referring to a

Description file - Detailed Specification

Only one record with the same id field will be current at any point in time. The current record will be the one with the most recent before or equal to the point in time under consideration.

If the field of this record is false ('0'), then the is at that point in time. If the field is true ('1'), then the is associated with the identified by the conceptId field.

The conceptId field, the languageCode field and the field will not change between two rows with the same id, in other words they are immutable. Where a change is required to one of these fields, then the component will be inactivated (by appending a row with the same id and the field set to false) and a another row will be added representing a new component with a new id. Only limited changes may be made to the term field, as defined by editorial rules.

Each will have at least one with a of and at least one with a   of .

Where a only has one with a of across all codes within a release, then that can be taken as the for all and and need not be explicitly included in every associated with that release.

The field will be restricted as follows:

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