
Documents approaches to content quality assurance within the tool.


The mapping tool includes a validation layer that is used to prevent bad records from being created and for verifying contents at release time.  For the most part, validation is a project specific operation.  The rules for what makes a valid map record depend upon the nature of the terminologies, nature of the mapping, and specific guidance from the mapping team doing the work.

Validation is handled by the "project specific algorithm handler" mechanism via a "validate record" method call.  The default implementation of this algorithm performs the following checks

Individual projects override this behavior as needed.  For more details see

Release QA

This tool does not QA the final release artifact to determine correctness regarding field or line specifications or referential integrity compared to the release version of the terminology (or terminologies).  It is presumed that the published mapping files will be fed into a well defined release process that provides comprehensive QA of all release artifacts. Thus the tool does not presume to duplicate work that is expected to be done elsewhere.
