
This document describes how to configure code formatting in eclipse. Note, each workspace you use must be configured independently to reuse these settings.


Java files

Java file formatting is configured via Window->Preferences, Java->Code Style->Formatter. The following attachment can be loaded by using the "Import" feature of the formatter.


Javadoc method->comment replacements is configured via Window->Preferences, Java->JAutodoc. The following attachment can be loaded by using the "Import" feature of the configuration screen.


Use Java->JAutodoc->Templates to configure the jautodoc templates. The following attachment can be loaded by using the "Import" feature of the templates configuration screen

Javascript Files

Javascript formatting is configured via Window->Preferences, Javascript->Code Style->Formatter.  The following attachment can be loaded by using the "Import" feature of the formatter.

XML Files

HTML file formatting is configured via Window->Preferences, XML->XML Files->Editor. The following shows a screenshot of how XML formatting should be configured.


HTML Files

HTML file formatting is configured via Window->Preferences, Web->HTML Files->Editor. The following attachment shows a screenshot of how HTML formatting should be configured.


Other files

If formatters for other files are needed, more details should be added to this document.