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Hello Modeling Advisory Group and Interested Observers

I hope you're all bearing up during this strange time.   I was sorry to not see you all at our usual London meeting.

In cancelling the face to face meeting, the need to discuss an entire agenda in one sitting was removed and we became able to hold meetings on a per topic basis, which perhaps allows for more focused discussion.   It also means that we can potentially avoid time-zone issues and late night / early morning calls entirely using written discussion in confluence pages.

Questions in lieu of Face to Face Meeting

To this end, I've created a jumping-off page to collect links to pages on which I would appreciate your consideration and comments:  MAG Questions in flight.

There's just the one link about Boolean values as of today.  Those of you who are "watching" the space will receive notifications as further pages are linked in.

Modeling Advisory Group Membership

Most of the Modeling Advisory Group has now reached or passed their allocated terms and SNOMED International will be inviting applications for new participants.   However our target skill set is both broad and very specific, and such expertise is quite hard to come by.  Therefore it is likely that the majority of the existing membership will be asked to stay on.    I will assume that all MAG members would wish to remain involved unless I hear otherwise.   I expect to report on any change in membership by the end of July, in good time to arrange time/travel for the October Expo should it go ahead.

In the meantime, could I ask you to review your entry in the Declarations of Interest page please, and make any updates that may be required.

Thanks & Best Wishes, Peter

Options for Meetings

Hello MAG Members and engaged observers.   

Advisory Group Chairs have received the following from our CEO:

"To support our Members who are overwhelmed with current COVID-19 work, SNOMED International will be postponing various April virtual meetings to a later date. 

Chairs of Advisory Groups and other Working Groups who feel that your meetings should be postponed, please go ahead and do so."   

In light of this suggestion, what does the group want to do?   Comment below please.

 Please find the next of a series of briefing notes that was sent to the Member Forum to update them on the content improvements in the Substance and Product hierarchies. For further reference, this project group’s Confluence space is located at: Drugs Project Please contact with any inquiries.

Hello Modeling Advisory Group and interested observers,

A Doodle Poll has established Thursday 13 February as the preferred day for our next group call.   I hope you're all able to make it.   20:00 is - as always - the least inconvenient compromise for the time zones we span.

We will use the standard zoom call link -

The agenda is still under construction.  Yong and I welcome any suggestions for discussion:  2020-02-13 - Full MAG Meeting (Conf call)

I'll post out a Google Calendar invite.   Any observers are welcome to request to be added to this.

Best Wishes,  Peter

Happy New Year MAG Members.

I've just sent out a Doodle Poll to check your preferred days for our next call.

Please let me know directly if you haven't received a link.

Best Wishes,  Peter

Attached please find the first two of a series of briefing notes that were sent to the Member Forum to update them on the content improvements in the Substance and Product hierarchies. For further reference, this project group’s Confluence space is located at: Drugs Project Please contact with any inquiries. 

Hi MAG Members and Observers.

To accommodate a scheduling conflict for a special guest tomorrow, the MAG agenda has been moved around substantially.

Please be aware of any changes that may affect your attendance, timing or operational readiness here:  2019-10-28 & 30 MAG Face to Face Meeting, Kuala Lumpur

Best Wishes, Peter

Hello MAG Members and Observers

So that we hit the ground running at our meetings in Kuala Lumpur, could I can ask you all to look over the agenda and pages linked from it?  2019-10-28 & 30 Face to Face Meeting, Kuala Lumpur

The agenda is not set in stone, so please do get back to me and Yong with any suggestions for additional items, clarifications or changes in priority.

Safe travels and looking forward to seeing those of you who can make it in Malaysia!

Best Wishes,

Attached please find a briefing note that was sent to the Member Forum to update them on the establishment and activities of the Devices Working Group.  For further reference, this project group's Confluence space is located at:

Please contact with any inquiries. 

Hello Modeling Advisory Group and interested observers.

After running a Doodle poll last month, a clear preference for having our next call on Monday 15 July was established.   The 20:00 UTC choice of time was set as our usual sweet spot between US, UK and Australia so apologies for those in central Europe as it's a late call!

We will use the standard zoom call link -

If you could, please have a check over the agenda 2019-07-15 - Full MAG Meeting (Conf call) as well as referenced pages and bring up any questions in the comments now so that we're hopefully all on the same page in time for the call.

I'll post out a Google Calendar invite.   Any observers are welcome to request to be added to this.

Best Wishes,


Hello Modeling Advisory Group.

Yong and I have put the agenda together for our call at 20:00 UTC next week and it would be much appreciated if you could review this, follow up on any required reading and make any suggestions for change in good time:  2019-01-14 - Full MAG Meeting (Conf call).

Also thinking ahead to our April meeting, something we're going to be challenged on this year is our use of time and resources, so we're looking at our overlap with other groups and also what concrete deliverables we're planning.

Looking forward to speaking to you all next week, best wishes, Peter

Dear all

On-going status of the project can be tracked using following links in the correct sequence as advised below. The first link will show you the JIRA tickets, which are either completed or in progress. Each ticket documents progress of a a sub-hierarchy or part of it, by using the second link you can track the Clinical findings, the JIRA tickets refer to. For example Qi-20 about 125666000 |Burn| is completed, by searching for "125666000" in the daily build on the second link, you will find what had been done to "Burn"

  1. QI Scope, Process, Progress - archived#ClinicalFindingsQIScope,ProcessandRisk-5.Progress

If you have any question please contact or 


SNOMED Content team

DRUGS Briefing update

Updated briefing: Briefing note - Implications of describing liquid dose form product concepts v2, can be found on second table of this page Reference Documentation - Medicinal Product Model

Hello all, apologies for not getting this out earlier, hopefully I've caught you before you jump on a plane!

If I can ask you all to look over the agenda first of all:  2018-10-15 & 17 - Face to Face MAG Meeting (Vancouver)

The agenda is not set in stone, so please do get back to me with any suggestions for additional items or changes in priority.

Within the agenda, you will find the following links.  It would be great if you could have a look through these and add any compelling comments which we can then be ready to discuss or resolve on Monday & Wednesday:

SCT Logic Profile:
SCT OWL Guide:   Please note, the Necessary Normal Form (NNF) is covered in the section 2.5. 

Safe travels and looking forward to seeing you all in Vancouver!

Best Wishes,

Dear all

This is a follow-up email on the DEMO release announcement to inform you that it includes Drugs and Substances. It is a demonstration of use of axioms on role, we don't expect feedback from you. The DEMO release will be taken down on 05-OCT-2018, and the content will be officially released in the International Release schedule for 31-JAN-2019. 

Please bear in mind that all "in-working-progress" documents are not accessible at this point in time, they will be released by 31-JAN-2019 together with the content. The changes in this Demo release can be viewed here

Please let me know if you need further information.

Best regards,