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Hello Modeling Advisory Group and interested observers,

Thank you to those who filled in our Doodle Poll to determine the timing of our next full conference call.

Wednesday16 February has been selected the preferred day.   I hope you're all able to make it.   20:00 UTC is - as always - the least inconvenient compromise for the time zones we span.

We will use the usual zoom call link - 

The agenda is still under construction here: 2022-02-16 Full MAG Meeting (Conf call).  Yong and I welcome any suggestions for discussion.

Other potential topics are:  MAG Questions in flight 

I'll post out a Google Calendar invite.   Any observers are welcome to request to be added to this.

Could I ask for a quick indication of which MAG members are hoping to come to the April Business meeting in person, and who will be attending virtually?   Thanks!

Dear Modeling Advisory Group

The existing SNOMED CT map reference sets were originally designed for maps in the direction from SNOMED CT (the referencedComponentId) to another code system (the mapTarget).

SNOMED International would like to propose some changes to the map reference set patterns to better support maps in the other direction - i.e. from other code systems to SNOMED CT.

Could you please review the proposal, Redesigning Map Reference Sets to Support Maps in Either Direction, and add your comments within the document?

We will then discuss the feedback at the October business meetings.

Best Wishes, Peter

Hello Modeling Advisory Group and interested observers,

Thank you to those who filled in our Doodle Poll to determine the timing of our next full conference call.

Wednesday 21 July has been selected the preferred day.   I hope you're all able to make it.   20:00 UTC is - as always - the least inconvenient compromise for the time zones we span.

We will use the usual zoom call link - 

The agenda is still under construction here:  2021-07-21 Full MAG Meeting (Conf call).  Yong and I welcome any suggestions for discussion.

Other potential topics are:  MAG Questions in flight 

I'll post out a Google Calendar invite.   Any observers are welcome to request to be added to this.

Following the successful implementation of concrete domains in SNOMED CT, the plan is to inactivate the concepts under the number (qualifier value) hierarchy in the January 2023 International Release. Please see the attached briefing note for detail. 


All of April’s Business Meetings will be accessed directly via the event's virtual platform. All attendees must pre-register for the conference in order to be able to join your sessions. No separate Zoom links are available. If you have yet to do so please pre-register for the conference via this link:

Your personal login details for the virtual platform will be shared before the event opens. You can access all available sessions via the Schedule/Timeline on the site's homepage.

Kind regards,


Dear members and observers:

The Editorial Advisory Group has proposed amendments for concept inactivation. The objectives and the latest document (version 0.5) can be found at the following link.

Concept Inactivation Proposed Amendments

Paul has planed to update the document following the last EAG meeting. There will be two key changes, Firstly, change the Concept Moved Elsewhere proposal to remove the requirement to record either the ModuleID or the NameSpaceID. Second, post on the confluence page an example of the ambiguity that has 3 elements, at least one of which is clinically not useful using 3 possible options for resolution.

Could you please review the proposal and provide feedback to Paul via email? Note, there is a summary of proposed changes from page 34. The proposal will be discussed at the April EAG meeting if you have any concerns.

A briefing note providing a summary of upcoming attribute refinements for the Physical object hierarchy is available:

Briefing Note Devices Mar 2021 Attribute Refinement.pdf

Hello Modeling Advisory Group and Observers.  Happy New Year!

Our next group call will be on Wednesday 3 February at 20:00 UTC

The first draft of the agenda can be found here:  2021-02-03 Full MAG Meeting (Conf call)

Please read and comment on MAG Questions in flight anytime before then.

Dear MAG members,

The modeling for conditions caused by substance or product has been discussed at the joint Modeling and Editorial AG meetings. Clinical conditions, e.g. allergy, adverse reaction, poisoning, contact dermatitis, have been modeled by substances in SNOMED CT. In practice, these conditions could be reported by medicinal products in clinical records.

A key question is whether a condition caused by a substance should have any hierarchical relationship to a condition caused by a product/physical object/organism that contains such a substance. A product can contain single or multiple active ingredients and excipients. It is important to clarify the intended meaning for 'conditions caused by product' to enable consistent modeling and reasoning. In this consultation paper, five potential interpretations and their models are discussed with additional information on the complexity from product role groupers, types of representations, records in an information model, queries and decision support systems.

The purpose of this consultation is to gather input from the community to understand the expectation and potential impact on the current practice. Could you please complete the feedback form by 31st January 2021.

The link to the document:

The Google form for your feedback:

SNOMED International is establishing a Drug Extensions User Support Group, to provide support to implementers of SNOMED CT drug extensions. The group is open to any stakeholder from the SNOMED CT community who is actively using, planning to use, or interested in using the SNOMED CT drug extension model. This includes anyone who is:

  • Creating a national SNOMED CT drug extension to support clinical systems;
  • Mapping an existing national drug model to SNOMED International's drug model to support interoperability and cross-border data sharing;
  • Integrating a SNOMED CT drug extension with other drug standards, such as ISO's Identification of Medicinal Products (IDMP) standard;
  • Utilising the SNOMED CT drug model to implement clinical decision support (CDS); or
  • Developing clinical implementations that use a drug dictionary based on the SNOEMD CT drug extension model.

Objective - To provide a forum through which implementers can share their real world experiences, challenges and questions, with other stakeholders and SNOMED International

      1. To enable the successful implementation of national SNOMED CT drug extensions, that meet the requirements of both national use and cross-border data sharing
      2. To enable the successful interoperability between national SNOMED CT drug extensions and other medicinal product standards required for national or cross-border data sharing

Meetings - The first meeting will be held on Thursday 29th October 2020 at 11:00 UTC

To register for this group, please complete the registration form at For further information please visit or email Linda Bird (

Hi Modeling Advisory Group and interested observers.

Yong and I today agreed the agenda for our calls at 20:00 UTC on Monday 5 and Thursday 8 October.

See 2020-10-05 & 08 Full MAG Meeting (Conf call) and do please get in touch with any items of business you feel we may have overlooked.

I'll send out a meeting invite now and look forward to seeing (or hearing) you all next week.

Best Wishes,   Peter

Hi MAG members,

The virtual SNOMED CT Expo and Business Meeting is now open for registration via this registration link:  You should select the Advisory Group category unless you are presenting a session or also on the Member Forum or General Assembly. If you register early for the Expo you will receive a free "welcome pack". For more information, please visit

In regards to the Business Meetings, please be aware that we will have two MAG Zoom meetings. The agenda will be posted later.

Kind regards,


The agenda for our full MAG Conference call tomorrow is now available:  2020-07-16 MAG Full Conference Call

If you have any additional items that you think we should be discussing, please do email me and we'll either add them to the agenda or we can set up a Confluence page and continue the discussion there.

It will make for a more productive meeting if members could familiarise themselves beforehand with the topics we'll be discussing.  Also if you have anything more you'd like to add to our MAG Questions in flight then we can bottom out those discussions.   Dialect Aliases for example has yet to attract any comments.

Additionally, although we won't have time to discuss it on the call, Yong is asking for feedback on: Review the proposal for revision of bones and joints of the limbs and girdles.

Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow.   Best Wishes, Peter

Hello Modeling Advisory Group and interested observers,

Thank you to those who filled in our Doodle Poll to determine the timing of our next full conference call.

Thursday 16 July has been selected the preferred day for our next group call.   I hope you're all able to make it.   20:00 UTC is - as always - the least inconvenient compromise for the time zones we span.

We will use the usual zoom call link -

The agenda is still under construction.  Yong and I welcome any suggestions for discussion, but the main topic will be signing off the proposal for implementing Concrete Domains.   

Other potential topics are open for discussion here:  MAG Questions in flight 

I'll post out a Google Calendar invite.   Any observers are welcome to request to be added to this.