The user group will have its first tele-conference on the 5th June 2018 at 14:00 - 15:00 UTC. Feikje Hielkema from the Netherlands as kindly agreed to chair the group, and her assistance is greatly appreciated. The aim of the meeting is to agree ways of working for the group, and to explore how the group can assist in the review of the current SNOMED International Translation documents. All of the translation guidance documents were created back in 2012, and would now benefit from a review to ensure that they are up to date, and also to include the valuable experience gained by Member countries as they have begun to undertake translation activities at a local level.
We look forward to you joining the call,
Camilla Wiberg Danielsen
June 5th is the Danish Constitution day and I will not be at work, and will not be attending the meeting. /Camilla
Emma Hultén
Is it possible to join the meeting (I am a member of the Translation User Group)? How to do? BR /Emma Hultén, Sweden
Francisco José Sánchez Laguna
Unfortunately I won't be able to attend. Sorry.
I'm looking forward to read the minutes.
Katrien Scheerlinck
Hi! How can we join the meeting this afternoon? Kind Regards, Ingrid & Katrien
Feikje Hielkema-Raadsveld
Hi Katrien Scheerlinck and Emma Hultén,
You can join the meeting through Zoom, on this link:
Emma Hultén
Thank you! I just realized the meaning of UTC as well B-)
Feikje Hielkema-Raadsveld
Ah yes: still 1 hour and 40 minutes to go
Jussara Rotzsch
Hi, Feikje
12 UTC is good for me.