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SNOMED International is honoured to welcome this year’s James Read Memorial Lecturer, Dr. Jeremy Theal. Dr. Theal hails from Canada and is both the Chief Medical Information Officer and a staff Gastroenterologist at North York General Hospital (NYGH) located in Toronto, Ontario.

Throughout his lecture, Dr. Theal will share his professional industry lessons learned and practical opportunities available to clinicians, policy makers and administrators to continue to move the health interoperability yardstick forward. A SNOMED CT user and supporter, Dr. Theal will discuss how he has succeeded in getting clinicians to use SNOMED CT and making the benefits of that use clearly visible and understood in the context of patient care. Through his work within publicly funded health care organisations in the Province of Ontario, Dr. Theal will also give the audience insight into how collaborative resourcing and procurements initiatives can ease inclusion of standards supporting quality improvement and reporting in a solution agnostic way. 

Access Dr. Theal's Lecture Slides below. 

Video recording is also available here. 

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