Page tree

20170801 TCC Versioned (v2) to 20170801 TCC Updated (v2) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Planned ChangesNumber of RF2 records impacted in DeltaChange valid in Delta files?Number of RF2 records impacted in Release packageChange valid in full Release package comparison?
Description files (DK)

- Create at least one concept - 557361000005100

concept - 548871000005101
FSN - 4921211000005116
US PT - 4921191000005117
DA PT - 4921201000005119

- Retire a description (1976921000005117 - concept 61565001)

- Update the case significance of a description (548911000005103 / 4207401000005116)

- Update the case significance of a description and change it back again checking that the effectiveTime is cleared and then restored. (549411000005103 / 2290821000005117)

  • New inactivation record for 1976921000005117 - CORRECT
  • 1 record updated (4207401000005116) - CORRECT
  • 3x records added (4921231000005113 + 4921241000005117 + 4921201000005119)) - ?????????????????????
  • 2x records removed (4921211000005116 + 4921191000005117) - CORRECT - They have EN language codes (even though they're DA namespace, because they're just the new test descriptions) and so only belong in EN language files

20170907 MS TCC DK Versioned to 20170907 MS TCC DK Updated traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Planned ChangesNumber of RF2 records impacted in DeltaNumber of RF2 records impacted in Release packageChange valid in full Release package comparison?
AssociationReference files

- Retire a concept (549241000005100)

111 record added for 549241000005100 - CORRECT
Attribute Value files

- Retire a concept (549241000005100)

- Retire a description (1976921000005117 - concept 61565001)


1 record added for concept 549241000005100 (DK module 554471000005108) - CORRECT +

1 record added for concept 1976921000005117 (DK module 554471000005108) - CORRECT +

1 record added for concept 2290511000005114 (Core module 900000000000207008) - NOT EXPECTED +

1 record added for concept 2290521000005115 (Core module 900000000000207008) - NOT EXPECTED +

1 record added for concept 2290531000005117 (Core module 900000000000207008) - NOT EXPECTED

Language (DK) records

- Retire a description (1976921000005117 - concept 61565001)

- Change the acceptability of the PT on an existing concept (42631002 / 1302391000005117)

Created new PT - 4921231000005113
Made existing PT Acceptable - 1302391000005117

- Create at least one concept - 557361000005100

concept - 548871000005101
FSN - 4921211000005116
US PT - 4921191000005117
DA PT - 4921201000005119

- Create a new text definition - 554241000005103



1 record inactivated for concept 1976921000005117 - CORRECT +

1 record added for concept 1302391000005117 - CORRECT +

1 record added for concept 4921201000005119 - CORRECT +

1 record added for concept 4921231000005113 - CORRECT +

1 record added for concept 4921241000005117 - CORRECT +

1 record added for concept 4921221000005110 (US) +

1 record added for concept 4921221000005110 (GB) - CORRECT)

Language (EN) records

- Create at least one concept - 557361000005100

concept - 548871000005101
FSN - 4921211000005116
US PT - 4921191000005117
DA PT - 4921201000005119


1 record added for concept 4921191000005117 - CORRECT +

1 record added for concept 4921211000005116 (US) - CORRECT +

1 record added for concept 4921211000005116 (GB) - CORRECT

Danish Translated Concepts refset records

- Retire a concept (549241000005100)

111 record inactivated for concept 549241000005100 (554831000005107) - CORRECT
ModuleDependency recordsNo changes expected??44

3 records added for module 554471000005108 +

1 record added for 900000000000207008 ?

Concept files

- Create at least one concept - 557361000005100

concept - 548871000005101
FSN - 4921211000005116
US PT - 4921191000005117
DA PT - 4921201000005119

- Retire a concept (549241000005100)

+ Update the definition status of a concept (Changed from primitive to Fully Defined) - 554241000005103

- Update the definition status of a concept and change it back again checking that the effectiveTime is cleared and then restored. (549431000005107)

  • 1 record added for concept 557361000005100 - CORRECT

  • 1 record updated (inactivated) for concept 549241000005100 - CORRECT
  • 1 record updated from primitive to defined - for concept 554241000005103 - CORRECT +

Description files (DK)

- Create at least one concept - 557361000005100

concept - 548871000005101
FSN - 4921211000005116
US PT - 4921191000005117
DA PT - 4921201000005119

- Retire a description (1976921000005117 - concept 61565001)

- Update the case significance of a description (548911000005103 / 4207401000005116)

- Update the case significance of a description and change it back again checking that the effectiveTime is cleared and then restored. (549411000005103 / 2290821000005117)

  • 2 description records added for concept 557361000005100 (4921211000005116 + 4921191000005117)

NO RECORD OF retired description 1976921000005117??


Description files (EN)

- Create at least one concept - 557361000005100

concept - 548871000005101
FSN - 4921211000005116
US PT - 4921191000005117
DA PT - 4921201000005119

- Retire a description (1976921000005117 - concept 61565001)

- Update the case significance of a description (548911000005103 / 4207401000005116)

- Update the case significance of a description and change it back again checking that the effectiveTime is cleared and then restored. (549411000005103 / 2290821000005117)

  • 2 description records added for concept 557361000005100 (4921211000005116 + 4921191000005117)

NO RECORD OF retired description 1976921000005117??


Relationship files

- Create at least one concept - 557361000005100

- Add a relationship to an existing concept

548911000005103 (562101000005124)

- Retire a relationship (549411000005103 / 549211000005127)

  • 2 relationship records added for concept 557361000005100 - CORRECT

1 relationship record added for concept 548911000005103 - CORRECT +

1 relationship record added for concept 554241000005103 - CORRECT+

4 relationship records inactivated for concept 549241000005100 - CORRECT

Stated Relationship files

- Create at least one concept - 557361000005100

- Add a relationship to an existing concept

548911000005103 (562101000005124)

- Retire a relationship (549411000005103 / 549211000005127)

  • 2 relationship records added for concept 557361000005100 - CORRECT

1 relationship record added for concept 548911000005103 (CORRECT, with rel ID 562101000005124) +

1 relationship record added for concept 554241000005103 - CORRECT +

3 relationship records inactivated for concept 549241000005100 - CORRECT+

  • 1 relationship record inactivated for concept 549411000005103 - CORRECT
TextDefinition files (DK)

- Create a new text definition - 554241000005103


  • 1 record added for concept 554241000005103 - CORRECT

TextDefinition files (EN)

- Create a new text definition - 554241000005103


  • 1 record added for concept 554241000005103 - CORRECT
  • No labels