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Create a New Concept


To create a new concept select the Create New Concept/ Edit Concept button 

The edit panel will then display empty fields in the edit panel.

Keyboard shortcut

You can also do this by pressing alt + n

Edit an Existing Concept


By Drag and Drop

A concept may be dragged from the search results, taxonomy, or saved list on to the Create New Concept/ Edit Concept button  This will load the concept in the edit panel.

From the Saved List

A concept may be added to the edit panel by click the load in edit panel button. 

Clone an Existing Concept

Clone a selected concept to Edit panel by clicking Clone button for creating a new concept, which may have the same parent and relationships. The UI will both copy the details of the original concept as well as load the original concept for reference.



  • If a description or relationship is inadvertently dropped onto the same concept, it DOES NOT automatically save. Affirmative action is required by the user. If the "Save Concept" button is not clicked and the task is promoted, the concept that appears to be modified will be unchanged on the term-server.
  • The save button can be eliminated by using the "Revert concept" button to undo all changes and return the concept to the currently saved state on the term-server.
  • If an entire term has been entered in an is-a relationship destination concept box, although the text appears correct, the relationship is only picked up when the type-ahead search result is selected, and attempts to save may trigger an error message about the incomplete concept, despite its appearance seeming to be ok. The clue to this occurring is that the diagram view will display an empty rectangle for that relationship. To resolve this you can either re-type and select the term from the type-ahead search list, or alternatively use drag/drop of the relevant target concept from the taxonomy/search tabs (or another relationship entry if available in the edit panel) to enter the value.

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