
Dear SNOMED International Community of Practice, 

 We are please to announce that confirmed schedule for SNOMED International's April 2017 Business Meeting is now available online here:

The link above also contains useful advice about booking your hotel accommodation, particularly important as we are in the unusual situation of having our Sunday sessions in a different area of London to the weekday meetings (an inconvenience caused by the London Marathon running along the Thames right next to the Amba Hotel in Charing Cross).
The Sunday 23rd part of the agenda is therefore being held at the Novotel Paddington. This hotel is right near Paddington station, so is a very easy transfer for those arriving via Heathrow.
Registration for the event should be open by the end of this month, but please let me know if you have any questions in the meantime.
Best wishes,
Fleur McBriar, on behalf of the Corporate Services Team
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