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New Features/Improvements

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Defects Corrected

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Additional Notes

This is a major release for the Authoring Platform which adds Template Based Authoring (TBA) support into the Single Concept Authoring (SCA) user interface (UI) and support services.

These changes include standardisation of the application routing so that the Authoring Platform UI now runs as the default on the domain root, with the integrated TS Browser moved to the /browser relative path. This means old bookmarks which include /sca as the relative path for the Authoring UI need to be updated (to remove the /sca part of the path):

* Authoring Platform UI
* TS Browser

For a transition period, until these new links are fully bookmarked, the old /sca links will continue to work, but this path will eventually be removed.

Module versions

Front-end Version 2.0.8

Back-end Version 4.6.19

Orchestration Service Version 1.28+hotfix+exports4

RVF Version 0.1.61

TS Browser Version 0.17

IMS Version 1.0.3

Traceability Service Version 1.0.5

Drools Rules Tag v1.8

SNOMED Template Service Version 1.0.1

Spellcheck Service Version 1.0.0




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