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Hi everyone,

A couple of items for you: 

  • Please see the September meeting minutes located: 2016-09-20 - CMAG Meeting. Would you please review and post any comments on the meeting page.
  • I've been advised by one person that they are not able to see all the recordings located in our folder. Would you please check the Meeting recordings link located: Meeting Information and let me know if you have any issues. You should be able to see the 2015 and 2016 folders. Within the 2016 folder there should be 9 mp4 files. 
  • As per the Advisory Group manual, we need to do a group evaluation. My apologies here, but we have a very short turn around time on this so I will be complete the template and upload it for comment by your Tuesday morning. If you could review it and comment by the end of the week, it would be appreciated. The document is short- a couple of pages at most.  




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1 Comment

  1. Hi Cathy

    Just to let you know that I can see one recording from 2015 and eight from 2016 in the folders on Confluence under Meeting Information > Meeting Recordings.
