SNOMED CT Compositional Grammar is a syntax for representing SNOMED CT expressions. SNOMED CT expressions are a structured combination of one or more concept identifiers used to express a clinical idea. When documenting a full concept definition or an expression relationship statement, which asserts the relationship between two expressions, it is often useful to use a syntax that is consistent with SNOMED CT Compositional Grammar. For these purposes, the following ABNF syntax extension may be used:
statement = ws "(" ws subExpression ws ")" ws definitionStatus ws "(" ws subExpression ws ")" ws
where 'subExpression' and 'definitionStatus' are defined as per SNOMED CT Compositional Grammar.
For example, the following statement documents the definition of the fully defined concept 95617006 | Neonatal cyanosis| .
Figure 6: Concept definition diagram for Neonatal cyanosis
In this second example, the definition of the primitive concept 144008 | Normal peripheral vision| is shown:
Figure 7: Concept definition diagram for Normal peripheral vision
In this last example, the equivalence of two expressions is defined (as illustrated in Figure 8):
Figure 8: Diagram showing the equivalence of two expressions