
The purpose of this process is to enable major changes to IHTSDO products to be effectively managed and controlled. Changes to SNOMED CT Content are handled through the SNOMED CT International Request Submission process. 

The process is initiated by the submission of a formal Change Request. However, it is quite likely that there could be speculative discussions in one or more of the Advisory Groups or elsewhere about a potential major change. In such circumstances, the initial part of this process can be utilized to process a "Speculative Change," which can then provide input and guidance to the relevant group as to whether a particular idea is worth progressing and subsequently raising as a formal change. Such speculative changes must still be recorded on a Change Request form and logged and managed as per this process in order to ensure visibility of the emerging proposal amongst those not directly involved, and also to ensure the consistency of approach to such items. Depending upon the nature and maturity of a speculative change, it may exit the process at any point, or be converted to a formal change. If converted to a formal change then it is likely that the change will continue through the process from the point at which it was converted, although if beneficial it could be re-submitted and subjected to the entire process. The important point about converting a speculative change to a formal change is that the log should be updated to reflect the status change and any information previously omitted because of its speculative nature, should now be supplied.


  • Change Requests (formal or speculative) submitted on the Change Request Form (Major Change);1 
  • Change Request Log (Major Change).2


  • Rejected Change Requests, or Accepted Change Requests and the resulting updated product;
  • Updated Change Request Log (Major Change).


Process Diagram

Change Control (major change)


The Requestor3 completes a Change Request Form (Major Change) which is automatically submitted to Corporate Services. If this is a speculative change, then this is indicated by selecting the relevant option on the form.


Corporate Services is automatically notified by a Google email when a Change request has been received in the Change Request Log (Major Change). If all mandatory information has been supplied (as indicated on the form), then Corporate Services forwards the Change Request to the Design Authority4 members. If any mandatory information is missing, then Corporate Services enters into dialogue with the Requestor to obtain it.


The Design Authority undertake an initial assessment of the Change Request. This assessment will consider whether the change:

  • is appropriate for this process (and if not, then which process should be used);
  • is likely to deliver significant benefit to the IHTSDO and/or its Members, Affiliates, or Users

If further information is required from the Requestor in order to make this assessment, then the Design Authority obtains this.


If the Change Request is rejected then Corporate Services is informed and provided with the reason(s) why the change was rejected.


Corporate Services updates the Change Request Log (Major Change) to show that the change has been rejected and to record the reason(s) why. The Requestor is then informed.


The Change Request is assessed to determine the degree of impact on the IHTSDO's Members, Affiliates or Users. If further information is required from the Requestor in order to make this assessment, then the Design Authority4 obtains this.


If the degree of impact on Members, Affiliates or Users is within acceptable limits, then continue with step P1.2.14, otherwise P1.2.8.


The change is considered to see whether the impact on the IHTSDO's Members, Affiliates or Users can be eliminated or reduced in some way, whilst still delivering the anticipated benefits. This consideration should be either time or effort limited - this is set by the Design Authority4 taking into account the scale of the change, it's impact and anticipated benefits.


If the impact mitigation has been successful then continue with step P1.2.14. If not, then Corporate Services is informed and provided with an Impact Analysis Form5 with Part 1 (Details of the Proposed Change) completed by the Design Authority. The Design Authority also provides Corporate Services with the categories of individuals and organizations who should be sent the Impact Analysis Form for completion and sets the time period within which the impactees7 should be requested to provide a response.


Corporate Services issues the Impact Analysis Form (as provided by the Design Authority) to all the requested Impactees, quoting the required response time as set by the Design Authority. The Change Request Log (Major Change) is then updated to record that the change has been issued for impact analysis and the date by which impacts should be returned.


The impactees assess the impact of the proposed change and record this in Part 2 of the Impact Analysis Form provided. The impactees return the completed form to 


All impacts received by the deadline are forwarded by Corporate Services to the Design Authority, who then consider all of the responses. If the impact is within acceptable limits, then continue with step P1.2.14, otherwise continue with step P1.2.13.


The Design Authority consider whether the impacts identified can be mitigated in some way. If there is a mitigation that can be applied then continue with step P1.2.14. If not, then the Design Authority may contact the Requestor to see whether they can suggest any ways of mitigating the impacts identified. If there is still no way to mitigate the impacts then the Change is rejected and passed back to Corporate Services along with the reason(s) for the rejection.


The Design Authority assesses the impact on the IHTSDO. This is primarily in respect of the resources (and consequential costs) required to deliver the change.


If the impact on the IHTSDO is within limits then Corporate Services is informed and the process continues at step P1.2.19. If not, then continue with step P1.2.16.

The primary consideration here as to whether the impact is within limits, is with regard to the limits set out in the Portfolio Management Process. This defines what work can be undertaken outside of the Portfolio Management Process. There is also the possibility that the change relates to some existing work, already approved through the Portfolio Management Process and thus no further approval is required if it is within the limits of that existing approval (i.e. the change is being put through this Major Change process in relation to the technical aspects, rather than due to  resource/financial implications).


The Design Authority develops the work plan item, completes the Portfolio Process Work Form and submits this into the Portfolio Management Process.


The outcome of the Portfolio Management Process will determine whether or not the work item has been prioritized for delivery. If it has, then inform Corporate Services and continue with step P1.2.19. If not, then inform Corporate Services whether it should be rejected or simply postponed pending a revision of prioritization and continue with step P1.2.18.


Corporate Services updates the Change Request Log (Major Change) to show that the change has been rejected or postponed and to record the reason(s) why. The Requestor is then informed. If it is simply postponed, then a date is recorded in the Change Request Log (Major Change) as to when it should be re-submitted into the Portfolio Management Process.


Corporate Services updates the Change Request Log (Major Change) to show that the change has been accepted. The Requestor is then informed.


The work to deliver the change is undertaken. If the work was authorized through the Portfolio Management Process, then there are monitoring and reporting requirements.


The changes are applied and made available as a "Technology Preview" for review by the impactees.


The impactees review the changes made (within the Technology Preview) and provide feedback to the Design Authority.


The Design Authority assess the feedback from the Technology Preview. The primary concern here is that the end result of the Change demonstrates the expected benefits without significant unexpected impact.


If the assessment proved that the change has been successful then continue with step P1.2.25. If unsuccessful, then depending upon where/how improvements need to be made, return to an earlier point in the process to repeat the relevant steps.


The appropriate transitional arrangements (in order to minimize anticipated impact) are planned and executed.


If the change means that existing functionality is replaced or removed, then the activities to achieve this, including any necessary deprecation, are planned and executed.


Corporate Services updates the update the Change Request Log (Major Change) to show that the change has been completed and the Requestor is informed.




1Change Request Form (Major Change)

Anyone can raise a Change Request using the Change Request Form (Major Change), a Google form at  Once completed, this is automatically transmitted to the IHTSDO Office for processing.

2Change Request Log

The Change Request Log is a Google Sheet into which the information from the Change Request Form (Major Change)1 is automatically populated (using Google Forms).


The Requestor is the person who identifies that a major change is required and completes the Change Request Form (Major Change)1 in order to initiate the process.

It is also possible that there could be speculative discussions in one or more of the Advisory Group about potential major change. In such circumstances a Change Request Form can be completed and submitted on a speculative basis. The Requestor in these circumstances is likely to be the MT member who chairs the AG.

4 Design Authority

The senior technical officers of IHTSDO who are responsible for the custodianship and technical direction of the IHTSDO's products.

5Impact Analysis Form

See Google Drive template folder, "Impact Analysis Form for Major Change." (Note - this is in the old format. It is locked by a password so I cannot change the logo.)

6Portfolio Process Work Form

See Google Drive template folder, "PORTFOLIO_Work-Form_Template."


Those individuals and/or organizations who may be impacted by a major change to an IHTSDO product.



Digital Product Architect