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Documentation on migrating a refset from one version or edition to another.

Demo Examples

To fully demo migration, we need versions of SNOMED where we know things became inactive and or left scope for a definition. We've chosen to use 20150131 transitioning to 20150731 as a stable configuration for demonstrating migration

Expressions that change members (from 0131 to 0731):

  • <<70759006 | Pyoderma (disorder) |

Concepts that become inactive (see active=0 and effectiveTime=20150731 in the full concepts file):

  • 10459009
  • 18657003
  • 20311006
  • 20530007
  • 350582009 (this has association reference data)


Extensional Migration

When migrating an extensional refset (list of members), the only migration condition that can arise is that one of the members is inactive in the new version.  If this is the case, the tool will allow you to keep this inactive member as well as consider adding any current concepts this retired concept is now linked to (due to association reference refset).

To demo this condition, create a refset using some of the "Concepts that became inactive".

Intensional Migration

Migration of an intensional refset can be significantly more complicated, owing in part to the ability to use individual inclusion or exclusion concepts in conjunction with a definition.  There are eight data conditions that can arise when migrating from one version of SNOMED to the next:

  • Members in common: concepts resolved by the definition in both versions of SNOMED and not covered by inclusions)
    • ACTION: no action needed
  • New not old: concepts resolved by the definition in the new version and not in the old version (and not covered by inclusions or exclusions).  This may be because they moved tree positions, or because new concepts were added.
    • ACTION: review for any "new" concepts that should be specifically excluded
  • Old not new: concepts no longer resolved by the definition in the new version (and not covered by inclusions or exclusions).  This may be because they moved tree positions, or because they were retired.
    • ACTION: review for any "old" concepts that should be specifically included (as well as any concepts linked to through historical relationships)
  • Valid inclusions: concepts specifically included but not resolved by the definition when using the old version that are still not resolved by the definition in the new version.
    • ACTION: decide whether the inclusion is still valid
  • Valid exclusions: concepts specifically excluded that were resolved by the definition when using the old version that are still resolved by the definition in the new version.
    • ACTION: decide whether the exclusion is still valid
  • Invalid inclusions: concepts specifically included that are now resolved by the definition when using the new version. 
    • ACTION: no action
  • Invalid exclusions: concepts specifically excluded that are not resolved by the definition when using the new version.
    • ACTION: no action


  • n/a


  • No labels