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Describes how to set up and deploy the mapping tool to the IHTSDO server.




  1. Log into the server (
    1. Ensure there is an "ihtsdo" user - everything will run as this user

  2. Install and configure software as root (nginx, tomcat7, libapache2_mod_jk, mysql-server-5.5, maven, git, svn, etc)
    1. You'll need the root user password
    2. Edit the /etc/init.d script to comment out the top part that forces running as root

    3. Edit the /etc/init.d script to use this:

    4. Set permissions of the tomcat installation to the "ihtsdo" user

      chown -R ihtsdo /var/log/tomcat7
      chgrp -R ihtsdo /var/log/tomcat7
      chown -R ihtsdo /var/cache/tomcat7
      chgrp -R ihtsdo /var/cache/tomcat7
      chown -R ihtsdo  /var/lib/tomcat7
      chgrp -R ihtsdo  /var/lib/tomcat7
      Edit /etc/init.d/tomcat7 to use the following
      * TOMCAT7_USER=ihtsdo
      * TOMCAT7_GROUP=ihtsdo
      Edit /etc/default/tomcat7 
      * TOMCAT7_USER=ihtsdo
      * TOMCAT7_GROUP=ihtsdo
      ** This must be done while tomcat is NOT running.
    5. See ~root/README.txt

  3. Tomcat must be configured to pass "run.config" environment variable to the application
    1. One way to do this is to invoke the java command with -Drun.config=/home/ihtsdo/data/
      (e.g. edit this in /etc/init.d/tomcat7 and add to JAVA_OPTS)
    2. Also add -Xmx2500M to JAVA_OPTS in the tomcat startup script.
    3. NOTE: development environments must also be configured as such

  4. Tomcat must be configured to support POST requests of size > 2MB
    1. Edit server.xml and add  maxPostSize="50000000" to each <Connector> element.

  5. Tomcat must be configured to support following of links.  Make sure any Context tags in the configuration contain  allowLinking="true".
    1. Edit context.xml to add this parameter to the Context tag.

  6. Make sure you have MAVEN_OPTS set 
    1. e.g. -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Xmx3072m
  7. Nginx Configuration
    1. Install the SSL keys as root in the appropriate places
    2. Edit /etc/nginx/sites-available/ (see the webapp/src/main/nginx directory for configurations).
    3. Link /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ to the file above
    4. Add a Valve to tomcat to handle proxy headers.
    5. Edit /etc/nginx/nginx.conf and add "client_max_body_size 50M;" to the "http" context.
    6. See the attachment for more details

  8. MySQL Configuration

    1. When configuring the database URL in, use ?autoconnect=true to avoid connection issues

    2. Also (as root) edit the my.cnf file for your platform and add this to the mysqld section.

      wait_timeout = 230400
      interactive_timeout = 230400
  9. As the MySQL root user, create an OTF user with the mysql client

    CREATE USER 'otf'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'otfpwd';
    GRANT ALL privileges ON *.* TO 'otf'@'localhost';
  10. As the MySQL root user, create a database in the mysql client

    CREATE DATABASE mappingservicedb
      DEFAULT COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
    CREATE DATABASE mappingservicedbtest
      DEFAULT COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
    GRANT ALL ON mappingservicedb.* TO 'otf';
    GRANT ALL ON mappingservicedbtest.* TO 'otf';
  11. Get code

    mkdir code
    cd code
    git clone .
    # switch to dev branch - for UAT
    git checkout develop
    # switch to dev branch - for PROD
    git checkout master
  12. Prepare the environment (set your shell up with these ENV variables):

  13. Get data.

    # Use your collabnet username below
    set username = <your collabnet username>
    mkdir data
    git clone ssh://$ data
    # set up doc directories, for uploading mapping handbook files
    mkdir data/doc
    mkdir data/doc/archive
    chmod -R ga+rwx data/doc  
  14. Prepare indexes to be maintainable by ihtsdo user.

    # To clean up the indexes do this (as root)
    /bin/rm -rf /var/lib/tomcat7/indexes
    mkdir /var/lib/tomcat7/indexes
    mkdir /var/lib/tomcat7/indexes/lucene
    mkdir /var/lib/tomcat7/indexes/lucene/indexes
    chmod -R ga+rwx /var/lib/tomcat7/indexes
    chown -R ihtsdo /var/lib/tomcat7/indexes
    chgrp -R ihtsdo /var/lib/tomcat7/indexes

  15. Create a file by starting with one of those in the config project.  Edit the file as needed

    mkdir config
    cp -r code/config/src/main/resources/ ~/config/
    # edit as needed
    # In particular, make sure the file used to run the application has this setting 
  16. Build the environment using the prepared configuration as the build.config

    cd code
    mvn -Dbuild.config=~/config/ clean install
  17. Unpack the admin scripts and do a full load - e.g. create database and load the data

    unzip ~/code/admin/target/mapping-admin*zip
    cd bin
    load_prod.csh >&! load_prod.log
  18. Stop tomcat, clear cache,and remove the currently deployed .war files (and associated folders).

    # Stop the tomcat7 server
    service tomcat7 stop
    /bin/rm -rf /var/lib/tomcat7/work/Catalina/localhost/mapping-rest
    /bin/rm -rf /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/mapping-rest
    /bin/rm -rf /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT
    /bin/rm -rf /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/mapping-rest.war
    /bin/rm -rf /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT.war
  19. Update the database (this needs to go into the reload page):

    mvn clean install -Drun.config=/home/ihtsdo/config/
  20. Update file modification date to prevent caching issues.

    cd ~/code
    set date = `date +%Y%m%d%H%M`
    touch -t $date `find . -name "*"`
  21. Build Rest and deploy war

    /bin/cp -f ~/code/rest/target/mapping-rest*war /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/mapping-rest.war
  22. Deploy Webapp war

    /bin/cp -f ~/code/webapp/target/mapping-webapp*war /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT.war
  23. Start service and link "doc" directory.

    service tomcat7 start
    # wait for deploy to create the ROOT directory
    sleep 10
    # link doc directory
    cd /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT
    ln -s /home/ihtsdo/data/doc
  24. NOW, if deploying to PROD, create a github pull request.


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