Page tree

November 2022 Pre-Production (Version 3) vs November 2022 Production (Version 1) traceability


Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impacted

Related JIRA ticket(s)


Readme filen/a

X prefixes removed, plus Production naming conventions added, as expected

November 2022 Pre-Production (Version 2) vs November 2022 Pre-Production (Version 3) traceability


Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impacted

Related JIRA ticket(s)


eesti Proovimaterjali Uuringu Paikme Klassifikaator Simple Refset files22

22 records reverted to their previous state, as expected due to fixes from WCI as a result of the previous refset not having been Published properly in the pervious cycle...

< 085d8dc3-f92d-4f2e-87f5-2d2d7e51fc59    20221130    1    11000181102    181000181102    731713000
> 085d8dc3-f92d-4f2e-87f5-2d2d7e51fc59    20220530    1    11000181102    181000181102    731713000

< 0b0e1b62-a0eb-4a1b-9507-8917726abd42    20221130    0    11000181102    181000181102    182083008
> 0b0e1b62-a0eb-4a1b-9507-8917726abd42    20220530    0    11000181102    181000181102    182083008

< 100ffa99-8466-4591-861f-152a4fc00d2b    20221130    0    11000181102    181000181102    182035005
> 100ffa99-8466-4591-861f-152a4fc00d2b    20220530    0    11000181102    181000181102    182035005

< 11595a6b-c76e-4d85-8c41-4dae33dfbb27    20221130    1    11000181102    181000181102    731702003
> 11595a6b-c76e-4d85-8c41-4dae33dfbb27    20220530    1    11000181102    181000181102    731702003

< 15fb1628-b323-4bd2-aa1e-6cc4abb54878    20221130    0    11000181102    181000181102    181820005
> 15fb1628-b323-4bd2-aa1e-6cc4abb54878    20220530    0    11000181102    181000181102    181820005

< 205c67bf-1e41-4703-9920-036f47c30ff3    20221130    1    11000181102    181000181102    46633002
> 205c67bf-1e41-4703-9920-036f47c30ff3    20220530    1    11000181102    181000181102    46633002

< 5b10900a-a7d7-4118-a760-47860b4b4f13    20221130    0    11000181102    181000181102    426214007
> 5b10900a-a7d7-4118-a760-47860b4b4f13    20220530    0    11000181102    181000181102    426214007

< 5b78bed6-2d30-43b2-8b30-32f6906d54f4    20221130    0    11000181102    181000181102    302533005
> 5b78bed6-2d30-43b2-8b30-32f6906d54f4    20220530    0    11000181102    181000181102    302533005

< 78b2761b-3610-435a-947f-eb2e5e4c58cb    20221130    1    11000181102    181000181102    265784008
> 78b2761b-3610-435a-947f-eb2e5e4c58cb    20220530    1    11000181102    181000181102    265784008

< 792f3e16-e289-46cb-a4df-333ebc051d6f    20221130    0    11000181102    181000181102    361100001
> 792f3e16-e289-46cb-a4df-333ebc051d6f    20220530    0    11000181102    181000181102    361100001

< 852fa74a-e7fa-4546-afe9-c65358c67576    20221130    1    11000181102    181000181102    731690009
> 852fa74a-e7fa-4546-afe9-c65358c67576    20220530    1    11000181102    181000181102    731690009

< 8c34933d-dc7f-4ac3-87bc-b019826a082a    20221130    0    11000181102    181000181102    181822002
> 8c34933d-dc7f-4ac3-87bc-b019826a082a    20220530    0    11000181102    181000181102    181822002

< 9419a00d-90b9-4032-8c3d-8a46a822f1b7    20221130    1    11000181102    181000181102    731660002
> 9419a00d-90b9-4032-8c3d-8a46a822f1b7    20220530    1    11000181102    181000181102    731660002

< 9d8f4548-42a4-44e1-8519-0b0dbfd58d9c    20221130    1    11000181102    181000181102    731716008
> 9d8f4548-42a4-44e1-8519-0b0dbfd58d9c    20220530    1    11000181102    181000181102    731716008

< a36aef38-f1a7-485e-9908-206fa845c60f    20221130    1    11000181102    181000181102    731701005
> a36aef38-f1a7-485e-9908-206fa845c60f    20220530    1    11000181102    181000181102    731701005

< b03476e9-232d-40d3-a1ee-9e5392ab1e17    20221130    0    11000181102    181000181102    182098005
> b03476e9-232d-40d3-a1ee-9e5392ab1e17    20220530    0    11000181102    181000181102    182098005

< b241960d-3c3a-41fe-ac25-5150c525d5ba    20221130    1    11000181102    181000181102    731694000
> b241960d-3c3a-41fe-ac25-5150c525d5ba    20220530    1    11000181102    181000181102    731694000

< cff9d94e-fe93-4e5e-b259-2493a28bc7ae    20221130    0    11000181102    181000181102    182027007
> cff9d94e-fe93-4e5e-b259-2493a28bc7ae    20220530    0    11000181102    181000181102    182027007

< d764f4c1-6ea8-4bd8-ab0b-da3899b67166    20221130    1    11000181102    181000181102    731672008
> d764f4c1-6ea8-4bd8-ab0b-da3899b67166    20220530    1    11000181102    181000181102    731672008

< e59460c3-70fd-4f30-b458-f9b1f548dbd0    20221130    0    11000181102    181000181102    304336002
> e59460c3-70fd-4f30-b458-f9b1f548dbd0    20220530    0    11000181102    181000181102    304336002

< efbd84f6-8851-44a0-88a2-4c01adbdb550    20221130    1    11000181102    181000181102    731696003
> efbd84f6-8851-44a0-88a2-4c01adbdb550    20220530    1    11000181102    181000181102    731696003

< ff1295f4-5676-4fd5-8561-5c28b4ff6d3e    20221130    0    11000181102    181000181102    182029005
> ff1295f4-5676-4fd5-8561-5c28b4ff6d3e    20220530    0    11000181102    181000181102    182029005

This leaves just one record change in this refset in this November 2022 cycle:

85f720c5-94d9-4042-bc85-43c3513749fc    20221130    1    11000181102    181000181102    10047002

November 2022 Pre-Production (Version 1) vs November 2022 Pre-Production (Version 2) traceability


Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impacted

Related JIRA ticket(s)


All files0

0 records added/updated, as expected as the only change made for this build was to add in the new Association types, which aren't yet used in the EE extension:

                            <refset id="1186921001" label="POSSIBLY REPLACED BY"/>
                            <refset id="1186924009" label="PARTIALLY EQUIVALENT TO"/>

May 2022 Production (PUBLISHED) vs November 2022 Pre-Production (Version 1) traceability


Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impacted

Related JIRA ticket(s)


RefsetDescriptor files0

0 records added/updated, as expected due to the 0 new refset added for the November 2022 EE Release ( expected due to refset tracker tab in MSSP-1763):

ModuleDependency files

2 new records added for November 2022 dates, dependent on the August 2022 INT Edition, as expected
AssociationReference files10

10 new records added/updated expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)

AttributeValue records108

108 new records added/updated

plus 0 inactivated expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)

Language Refset (EN) files38

14 new records added/updated, plus

24 records inactivated expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)

Language Refset (ET) files454

438 new records added/updated (including thousands from batch updates), plus

16 records inactivated expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)

Concept files17 

7 new records added/updated

plus 10 inactivated expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)

Description (EN) files38

14 new records added/updated

plus 24 inactivated expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)

Description (ET) files445

429 new records added/updated

plus 16 inactivated expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)

NRC confirmed as expected in MSSP-753

Readme filen/a

November 2022 date changes as expected, plus x prefixes and PreProd conventions added

Relationship files29

7 new records added, plus

22 records inactivated expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)

Relationship Concrete Values files0MSSP-1763

0 new records added/updated expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)

OWLExpression files29

7 new records added/updated, plus

22 records inactivated, plus expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)

NRC confirmed as expected in MSSP-753

Stated Relationship files0MSSP-1763

0 records added/updated AS EXPECTED, due to the deprecation of the Stated Relationship records in the previous release

TextDescription (EN) files0

0 records added/inactivated, expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)

TextDescription (ET) files2

2 new records added/updated: expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)

eesti Farmakogeneetilise Uuringu Geeniprodukti Funktsioon Vastuse Klassifikaator Simple Refset files5MSSP-1763

0 record inactivated

Plus 5 records added in expected due to refset tracker tab in MSSP-1763

- NRC to verify exact changes are as expected...

eesti Farmakogeneetilise Uuringu Metaboolne Aktiivsus Vastuse Klassifikaator Simple Refset files2MSSP-1763

0 record inactivated

Plus 2 records added in expected due to refset tracker tab in MSSP-1763

- NRC to verify exact changes are as expected...

eesti Histoloogilise Diferentseerumise Astme klassifikaator Simple Refset files2MSSP-1763

1 record inactivated

Plus 1 records added in expected due to refset tracker tab in MSSP-1763

- NRC to verify exact changes are as expected...

eesti Mikrobioloogilise Uuringu Vastuse Klassifikaator SimpleRefset files


12 record inactivated,

Plus 14 records added in expected due to refset tracker tab in MSSP-1763

- NRC to verify exact changes are as expected...

eesti Patomorfoloogilise Lõppdiagnoosi Klassifikaator Simple Refset files2MSSP-1763

1 record inactivated

Plus 1 records added in expected due to refset tracker tab in MSSP-1763

- NRC to verify exact changes are as expected...

eesti Proovimaterjali Uuringu Paikme Klassifikaator Simple Refset files1MSSP-1763

11 record inactivated

Plus 12 records added in expected due to refset tracker tab in MSSP-1763

- NRC to verify exact changes are as expected...


0 record inactivated

Plus 1 records added in

eesti Ravi Liigi Klassifikaator Simple Refset filesMSSP-1763

1 record inactivated

Plus 1 record added in expected due to refset tracker tab in MSSP-1763

- NRC to verify exact changes are as expected...

  • No labels