SNOMED International and the International Diet Dysphagia Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) have signed an agreement to incorporate IDDSI Framework v2.0 content into SNOMED CT to enable use in electronic health records globally.
Peter Lam, IDDSI Chair, expressed that, “The agreement with SNOMED is another exciting and positive step to meeting IDDSI's goal of improving the safety of people of all ages, all cultures, and in all care settings, who are living with dysphagia.”
In effect since mid-September 2022, the agreement has been driven by community requests as well as by the need identified by the SNOMED International Nutrition Care Process Terminology (NCPT) Clinical Project Group to include IDDSI Framework v2.0 content in order to facilitate the inclusion of NCPT in SNOMED CT.
Content will be created for each framework level consistent with the IDDSI standard terminology and definitions subject to SNOMED CT editorial guidance, while additional content will be added to facilitate recording the use of the framework and diet scale together with related findings and interventions. The content will be included in SNOMED CT International Edition monthly releases as the IDDSI Framework v2.0 related content is incorporated into the clinical terminology.