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Date of Preliminary Handover meeting: 

Date of Initial Handover meeting:   

Date of Final Handover meeting:  


  • Andrew Atkinson (AAT)
  • Maria Braithwaite (MBR)
  • Donna Morgan (DMO)
  • Kai Kewley (KKE)
  • Peter Williams (PWI)
  • Rory Davidson (RDA)
  • Monica Harry (MHA)


Handover Status



Items to be discussed



Prerelease Content Management Activities:

  1. Verify that all namespace concepts (in the namespace registry) have been added
  2. Inactivate the root concept synonym referencing previous release, and add synonym to reference current release.
  3. Update copyright date on synonym (January releases only; N/A to July 2014)
  4. Send updated laterality indicator spreadsheet to technical team to support qualifier generation.
  5. Get SE and SP refset files from Yong


  1. MBR - confirmed with Yohani 5 Nov 2019

  2. MBR - done please see INFRA-3968

  3. MBR - update root concept and synonym please see INFRA-3968

  4. ACTION: Yongsheng Gao to deliver laterality indicator, as this now comes from the Refset tool ... AAT to receive from Yong  Yong on leave today, email sent to prepare files for 13 Nov 2019

  5. ACTION: Yongsheng Gao to deliver SE and SP files, AAT to receive from Yong  Yong on leave today, email sent to prepare files for 13 Nov 2019


Content Validation Activities:

  1. Concepts that have changed its high level hierarchy ancestor since last release
  2. Concepts with FSNs with changed semantic tags
  3. Active concepts with changed FSNs (check for shifts in meaning)
  4. Concepts *in*-activated since the last release
  5. Concepts *re*-activated since the last release
  6. Concepts that changed from fully defined to primitive
  7. Concepts that changed from primitive to fully defined
  8. New FSNs: Check for adherence to naming conventions, no acronyms, etc.
  9. Spell checking for new descriptions and/or manual inspection
  10. Review all new and changed text definitions
  11. Additions/removals of members of VMP refset (Inactive concepts still in the VMP refsets are removed during release extraction)
  12. Additions/removals of members of VTM refset (Inactive concepts still in the VTM refsets are removed during release extraction)
  13. Verify that there have been no changes to the Non-human refset in the Workbench.
  14. Additions/removals of members of ICD-O simple map refset (Inactive concept still in the ICDO map are removed during release extraction)
  15. Active concepts having active historical associations and reasons for inactivation

MBR has been analysing the Daily Build RVF results for the past few weeks, and working with Peter to clear down the failures. Early Alpha run by AAT 1st Nov 2019:

assertionText" : "All language refset members inactivated in current snapshot must have been active in the previous release." - FIXED

assertionText" : "Preferred Term exists exactly once in each language refset for each concept." - FIXED

assertionText" : "Concept should not have any duplicated historical association indicators." - FIXED

assertionText" : "All OWL Expression inactivated in current release must have been active in the previous release." - FIXED

assertionText" : "There is a 1:1 relationship between the id and the key values in the ASSOCIATION REFSET snapshot file." - FIXED

assertionText" : "There is only one member id per description per dialect in the language refset snapshot file." - FIXED

assertionText" : "Relationship groups contain at least 2 relationships." - NOT AN ERROR NEEDS CHANGE TO RVF

assertionText" : "Active concepts must have at least one IS A relationship." – 138875005 ROOT CONCEPT NO CHANGES NEEDED

assertionText" : "An FSN containing the word \"pre-filled\" must be changed to prefilled." – AWAITING CHANGE TO RVF REPORT TO REMOVE ASSERTION

assertionText" : "It is not allowed to add a subtype as a parent." – CHECKED WITH TMO, JCA, YGA NO CHANGES NEEDED.

Warnings relating to language ref set inconsistencies, special characters in FSN, case significance, capitalisation etc –a large number of issues  addressed during this release cycle, there should be a reduction in the overall number of issues relating to the language ref set since the July release through efforts to ‘fix’ content where needed and also changes to the language ref sets in the author platform. 

Ticket logged for changes to the RVF report to allow us to identify active versus inactive concepts to help us to prioritise areas of content that need review going forwards

Ticket is logged to align case sensitivity rules in the RVF with the editorial guidance which should also see a reduction in warnings relating to case sensitivity -

Will log a new ticket to ask for ability to whitelist in RVF report for correct content that is currently showing upfor various reasons.

Maria confirms: - all issues resolved for Jan 2020 release, new report in RP confirms no new issues. - all issues resolved for Jan 2020 release, no new issues in RP report.

MBR will share content report with team when it is ready.



Content Team Support availability - Confirm which members of the content team will remain on stand-by until clean database milestone is achieved after release build file QA and post-release assertions are validated.

Maria will all be around to support wherever needed Donna and Yong on leave at present (8 Nov 2019)



Early visibility of Release Notes


Andrew Atkinson has created the template to update on Confluence: SNOMED CT January 2020 International Edition - SNOMED International Release notes - content team to update with relevant figures for January 2020 content.....

ACTION: Maria Braithwaite and Donna Morgan will kindly aim to get them to Andrew Atkinson by 15 November 2019

ACTION: Monica Harry and Paul Amos to review and approve once complete



Discussion of existing Known Issues from the previous Release


  1. ISRS-366 - Long term case significance fixes work has commenced for this, it will be ongoing over subsequent releases.
  2. ISRS-409- Specific case significance issue - I have asked JCA for an update, no immediate action, requires wider consultation. 
  3. ISRS-575 - no action, being resolved over time with template based editing as part of QI project.
  4. ISRS-574 - requires change to RVF report to remove this assertion altogether.
  5. ISRS-582checked no author changes required.
  6. ISRS-582 - 147,000+ issues, needs change to assertion to allow self grouping, no editing changes needed.
  7. ISRS-562 - Finding with explicit context| concepts using |Associated Procedure| attribute - editing issue resolved.
  8. ISRS-563 - 8 concepts using |Surgical approach| that are not subtypes of |surgical procedure| - editing issue resolved.
6Brief run through of the known issues already identified by the content team during the QA batch process, to ensure that technical team are aware of them, and can either resolve them in time for the release, or confirm as known issues.

Mapping: 8 Nov 2019 Donna is on leave today she sends this update:

Technical QA has started. SNOMED has been reloaded and 1 concept has been identified as needing a map in the ICD-10 project - Drip feed must not have
picked it up.

The concept  32941000119104 Ingestion of toxic substance (disorder) has been mapped and WCI can re commence the release work.

GMDN and ICD-O have been completed and WCI notified. Both projects will need to pass technical QA but nothing to report so far.

7Versioning and Change Freeze

KAI has run some manual checks for missing descriptions - no issues found.

8Stats Report

MBR has been using the Daily Build QA report for stats and has the information needed for release notes, also given access to by Peter for further information that will be useful for release notes.

  1. Kai - After versioning need to take care when rebasing some projects that still have content on them as never done before on this terminology server and may find strange behaviour - mitigation: Kai will do the rebasing after we have versioned. This will be done before editing reopens.

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