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General comments:

Taking into account the Member response and prioritisation criteria the group have suggested the following priorities for these components. It needs to be noted that the priority for an individual tracker issue may different from the component level priority. Components that were either not identified by members as a priority and/or are not blocking CRS requests have been given a priority of 4 for now and will require further analysis prior to determining next steps. Some of these individual trackers may require a higher level of priority. 

In addition to the work done by the group, tracker issues which are blocking CRS requests more than XX have been given a priority of 1. 

Group analysis: 

Focus Area

Trackers: XXX some may be more than one component (total excludes last row)

Scope of Content

Member Priority Summary

Member Comments








Group member comments

Final rating

Concept Modelling, Attributes and Values

Trackers: 45

Modelling Review



This area focuses on the review (or addition) of attributes and the values that can be applied to them. While not a clinical area per se, work in this area supports the defining and quality of content which in turn supports implementations and secondary use. 

3 countries high, 1 country medium.

(AU comments below- taken as high)



I think this component and the Qualifier Value are quite linked



Overall rating using tracker priorities - recommend high.


Group: This component has a mix of issues and while overall priority for the component is high, the priority of the issues at an individual level needs to be considered.

CRI: Clinical impact difficult to determine so went for average as I would expect there to be some.

DKA: Agree that clinical impact is difficult. A wide clinical range of issues in this box. User and terminology impact can be assumed to be high. However, given the diversity the component level might not be the right level of prioritization for this one.

EWO: I'm not sure many clinicians are focused on the complexities of SCT yet. Clinicians may do subsumption based queries but are more concerned that content looks correct in the patient record - no errors, odd abbreviations etc But any work to correct/assign parents would be seen as very useful indeed so some tracker items more clinically high priority than others.

Priority 1 for the component though noting this component contains a variety of issues and the actual priority of an individual issue would vary.

Average group rating was 2.67/3.

Qualifier Value

Trackers: 18

Pattern Review

Hierarchy Cleaning

Modeling Review

Remodeling related to new attributes and new content. Clarification of meaning of existing content.

2 countries high, 2 countries medium

(AU comments below- taken as high)

Singapore: Better clarification of qualifier values would be beneficial as we use this hierarchy in our drug product concepts rather extensively.
Comments: It would be good for us to be updated of the changes made as it might have impact to our Singapore Drug Dictionary. 


At least 85 requests → high user impact.

Hard to determine terminology impact as most of Qualifier value hierarchy is not used in definitions. Qualifier values are tightly coupled to the domains in which they are used.

Here is my raking if the drug concepts are dealt rather in the Drug Project.(2+3+3)/3=2.67

Here is my rating if this work is not part of the Drug Projec(3+3+3)/3=3

I think this component and the previous one are quite linked



Overall rating using tracker priorities - recommend high.


CRI: Clinical impact difficult to determine so went for average as I would expect there to be some.

DKA: Yes, clinical and terminology impact hard. Also, component level prioritization might not be helpful here.

EWO:agree it would be useful to look at in more detail though there is increasing interest in post-coordinated expression from clinicians.

Priority 1 for the component.  

Average group rating was 2.74/3.

Clinical Finding: Neoplasm

Trackers: 21

Pattern Review

Hierarchy Cleaning

Modeling Review


Naming conventions reviews and improvement of modeling of malignant disorders. 2 countries highUK: As well as a general clean-up, we could suggest the creation of precoordinated cancer >disorders< which are currently expressible only as morphology concepts. (we could provide input in making suggestions on identifying these).


User impact: cannot see how many CRS tickets are related to this.

Terminology impact: 3644 matches "neoplasm" (disorder, group by concept). 55342001 | Neoplastic disease (disorder) | has 7515 descendants (~ 10 % of all disorders), used to define 485 other concepts.

Are not used to define other concepts.


Should that work be part of the collaborative work with WHO?



Overall rating using tracker priorities - recommend high.


CRI: Neoplasm work here basically outside of the WHO collaborative work.

EWO: on searching CRS for Neoplasm in inception/elaboration there are 96 requests.

Priority 1 for the component.

Average group rating was 2.42/3. (Excludes first review given user impact not quantified).

Clinical Finding: Obstetrics

Trackers: 14

Pattern Review

Hierarchy Cleaning

Modeling Review

Revision work on abortion concepts and the modeling of antenatal and postnatal content.  

2 countries highUK:

Disambiguation of therapeutic/iatrogenic abortion versus spontaneous abortion ('miscarriage') would be especially welcome albeit no small task.
Many classifications type concepts that would not sensibly be applied within a real time individual patient could be deprecated.
Also issues with “subjects of record” e.g.
- Foo disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth AND/OR puerperium
- Foo disorder in pregnancy - [not yet] delivered
- Foo disorder >in mother< etc.
- Foo disorder >affecting management of mother<


Terminology impact: 198609003 | Complication of pregnancy, childbirth and/or the puerperium (disorder) | has 1315 descendants, 248982007 | Pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium finding (finding) | has 1979 descendants (489 in common w Complication...) + some other ones spread out.

Are not used to define many other concepts (62 and 188 respectively).


I saw in other component tickets obstetrics, perhaps all ticket on that topic should be grouped together



Overall rating using tracker priorities - recommend - medium


CRI: did a search added Clinical Finding Obstetric issues. There is a small number of procedure ones as well which given interest should also be considered.

EWO: Some highly emotive content so rated high clinically. Couldn't see how many requests were linked so rated 2 based on other explanations.

Priority 2 for the component.

Average group rating was 2/3. (Excludes first review given user impact not quantified).

Procedures/Qualifier Value: Pathology

Trackers: 27

Pattern Review

Hierarchy Cleaning

Modeling Review

Issues include cancer synoptic reporting, hierarchy reviews, specific issues e.g. measurement activity vs. quantity, units of measure, specimens2 countries high 


Terminology impact: high, as Observables is a new area, might require update of concept model guidance.


There seem to be duplicated ticket in the different component trackers. Linkage and dependencies should probably be determined before tackling this one.



Overall rating using tracker priorities - recommend high.


CRI: Units of measure in this group also covered under Qualifier Value and the Units of Measure tracker.

EWO: There a lot of implementations in this area and high focus at present internationally for cancer and genomics


Priority 1 for the component.

Average group rating was 2.47/3

Observable Entity

Trackers: 20

Pattern Review

Hierarchy Cleaning

Modeling Review

Large review of observables and investigation procedures - including modeling but also specific areas such as functioning observation results

1 country high, 1 country medium



Clinical impact: hard to assess as it spans a wide range of clinical domains.

User impact: 20 trackers, 28 CRS tickets (+ everything related to LOINC mapping)

Terminology impact: high, as Observables is a new area, might require update of concept model guidance. Observables used to define 26721 other concepts (mostly findings).

Would the functioning observation results mean there would be a need to model more content in other hierarchies?(3+2+2)/3=2.67


Overall rating using tracker priorities - recommend high.


Priority 1 for the component.

Average group rating was 2.83/3 (Excludes second review given review not quantified).

Procedure: Diagnostic Imaging

Trackers: 8

Pattern Review

Hierarchy Cleaning

Modeling Review

Remodeling and naming pattern review of imaging procedures and sub hierarchies such as gastrointestinal imaging, angiographies, Ultrasound scan - obstetric, Radiography vs. X-ray and others1 country high, 1 country medium 


Terminology impact: 5352 descendants of 363679005 | Imaging (procedure) | used to define 595 other concepts.



Overall rating using tracker priorities - recommend - medium

(3+3+2)/3=2.67EWO: Heavily used content with large number of implementations and impacts high priority clinical areas.

Priority 2 for the component.

Average group rating was 2.08/3 (Excludes first review given use impact not quantified).

Qualifier value: Units of Measure

Trackers: 4

Pattern Review

Hierarchy Cleaning

Modeling Review

Reviewing of possible duplicated content and remodeling to align to agreed patterns. 1 country high, 1 country mediumSingapore:

The usage of Qualifier Value: Units of measure is heavily used in our drug product concepts. Better refined UOM would be of good assistance.
Comments: It would be good to share the remodelling agreement/document for Singapore Drug Dictionary to allows us to assess the impact to our use in the definition of strengths for our drug product concepts.
Question: Any plans to map UOM to UCUM?


Clinical/user impact: there are other standards (UCUM)

Terminology impact: 1177 descendants of used to define 0 (zero) concepts

 Here is my raking if the drug concepts are dealt rather in the Drug Project.(2+3+3)/3=2.67

Here is my raking if this work is not part of the Drug Projec(3+3+3)/3=3



Overall rating using tracker priorities - recommend high.

Agree with Linda re relationship to drug work so either 2.67 or 3 

Priority 1 for the component. 

Average group rating was 2.87/3 (Not part of drug work)

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