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These pages contain links to websites and applications that allow you to view the content of SNOMED Clinical Terms. These services are provided by the named third parties. IHTSDO makes no warrantee, expressed or implied, about the accuracy or completeness of the information provided or the fitness for purpose of any of these services.

Conditions of Use

All tools providing access to SNOMED CT should display information about the version of the SNOMED CT International Release and information about any extensions included. They should also ensure that it is possible to access the current release. However, IHTSDO is not able to monitor these products to ensure conformance with this advice. Therefore, users should be aware that the version of SNOMED CT shown by a particular browser may be out of date and/or may include national or local extensions. 

Conditions of Use when accessing SNOMED CT with publicly available browsers and software

Browsers and other software tools that include or provide access to SNOMED Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT®) do so by permission of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organization (IHTSDO®) subject to the terms of the SNOMED CT Affiliate License Agreement (see"SNOMED", "SNOMED CT" and "IHTSDO" are registered trademarks of the IHTSDO (

Use of publicly available software and tools that include or provide access to SNOMED CT is governed by the conditions of the sub-license issued by the provider of the software. Unless otherwise stated in that sublicense the following conditions apply: 

  1. The meaning of the terms "Affiliate", or "Data Analysis System", "Data Creation System", "Derivative", "End User", "Extension", "Member", "Non-Member Territory", "SNOMED CT" and "SNOMED CT Content" are as defined in the IHTSDO Affiliate License Agreement (see
  2. Individuals or organizations wishing to register as IHTSDO Affiliates can register at, subject to acceptance of the Affiliate License Agreement (see
  3. The current list of IHTSDO Member Territories can be viewed at Countries not included in that list are "Non-Member Territories".
  4. End Users, that do not hold an IHTSDO Affiliate License, may access SNOMED CT® using publicly available software subject to acceptance of and adherence to sub-license limitations. Information about sublicense conditions for access to SNOMED CT using publicly available browsers can be found at In summary, the following limitations apply to this type of access:
    1. The sub-licensee is only permitted to access SNOMED CT® using this software (or service) for the purpose of exploring and evaluating the terminology.
    2. The sub-licensee is not permitted the use of this software as part of a system that constitutes a SNOMED CT "Data Creation System" or "Data Analysis System", as defined in the IHTSDO Affiliate License. This means that the sub-licensee must not use the software to add or copy SNOMED CT identifiers into any type of record system, database or document.
    3. The sub-licensee is not permitted to translate or modify SNOMED CT Content or Derivatives.
    4. The sub-licensee is not permitted to distribute or share SNOMED CT Content or Derivatives.
  5. IHTSDO Affiliates may use SNOMED CT as part of a "Data Creation System" or "Data Analysis System" subject to the following conditions:
    1. An IHTSDO Affiliate, making SNOMED CT available in products or services used outside Member countries must register their intention to use at prior to use.
    2. The IHTSDO Affiliate, using SNOMED CT must accept full responsibility for any reporting and fees due for use or deployment of such a system in a Non-Member Territory.
    3. The IHTSDO Affiliate must not use the software to access or interact with SNOMED CT in any way that is not permitted by the Affiliate License Agreement.
    4. In the event of termination of the Affiliate License Agreement, the use of the software will be subject to the End User limitations noted in 4.

Online browser
SNOMED International's online, multilingual, multi-Edition, SNOMED CT Browser, developed as part of the Open Tooling Framework. This browser provides access to the International Edition of SNOMED CT and to various National Editions. Like all free online browsers, licensing conditions limit use to exploration of SNOMED CT. The browsers is not designed or licensed for use in EHRs or any other production systems. (See Tab 'Conditions of Use').
Free service
SNOMED International
Online browser
Online browser with fast searches, hierarchy filtering and various other interesting features.
Free service
No longer available reported on 2018-02-15
Meaningful Query (B2i)
Online browser
Search and browse the International, UK Edition, and US Edition of SNOMED CT with Kaiser Permanente's Convergent Medical Terminology reference sets. This is a free browser that is part of a commercially available SNOMED CT analytics application. No registration required.
Free service
B2i Healthcare
Nictiz Browser
Online browser
Online SNOMED CT browser fast searches, hierarchy filtering and a novel way to display definition of the concept selected .
Free service
Online browser
Search for and display SNOMED CT content, as included in UMLS® Metathesaurus®. Expands searches to include synonymous terms from over 100 Metathesaurus vocabulary sources.
Free service
National Library of Medicine
NPEx Browser
Online browser
Online browser intended for use in UK NHS Data includes UK National Extension
Free service
Online browser
Shrimp is a multi-version SNOMED CT browser including the International Release, the Australian Extension and the Australian Medicines Terminology V3 (AMT). As well as start-of-the-art search result ranking, Shrimp offers the same advanced hierarchy visualisation as provided by the downloadable Minnow browser and Snapper mapping tool.
Free service
Snoflake Browser
Online browser
Online browser, with support for ICD10 code search. Includes UK extensions, subset, suffix & favourite filtering, user favourites, prefix searching.
Free service
No longer available reported on 2019-09-26
Dataline Software
Online browser
Online browser with fast searches, hierarchy filtering, search counts per hierarchy and various other interesting features.
Free service
No longer available reported on 2020-02-11
Noesis Informatica
VTSL Terminology Browser
Online browser
Browser is designed to search and browse SNOMED CT International release as extended by VTSL to include the Veterinary Extension.
Free service
No longer available reported on 2019-09-26
Veterinary Terminology Services Lab at Virginia Tech
10West Coast SNOMED Terminology ServerOnline browserSearch and browse the US Edition of SNOMED CT with West Coast Informatics' SNOMED terminology browser. This is a lightweight terminology server and browser that can be downloaded and used locally. Free but requires NLM UTS licensehttps://snomed.terminology.toolsWestCoast Informatics
13MedNxt BrowserOnline browser

Online browser derived from SNOMED International's SNOMED CT browser. The MedNxt Browser is a free browser that is part of a commercially available HealthCare Enterprise Cloud based platform for medical service providers, including ERX, EMR and EHR.

Free service

No longer available reported on 2021-02-18

14SnoChillies BrowserOnline browser

Online browser accessing SNOMED CT and also some other terminologies and maps.

Note 2018-02-22: The current version is marked as a Beta version.

Free service Technologies Limited

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