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Changing Mutable Description Attributes
Caption reference | ||||
- Changing the active attribute to 0 (i.e. inactive). For more information, please refer to Inactivating a Description in an Extension.
- Changing the term of the description. Please note that only limited changes may be made to the term field field, as defined by editorial rules.
- The International SNOMED CT Editorial Guide states when making a minor change to an FSN, a new description must be created and the old description must be inactivated.
- Permitted changes include modifications that do not alter the meaning, for example a spelling correction. For a list of permitted changes, please refer to the appropriate section of the Editorial Guide:
- FSNs - refer to Changes in the Fully Specified Name
- Other description types - refer to capitalization
- When in doubt, an extension producer should inactivate the description and add a new description with the required term.
CapId | mutability-of-description-attributes- |
CapType | Table |
Table Mutability of description attributes
Bookmarked content insert | ||||
The table below provides a summary of the process to follow when modifying descriptions in an extension.
File Type | Process |
Description | A new row which represents a new version of the description is created. |
The attributes of the new version of the description are set as follows:
| |
Language Reference Set | If no changes to the acceptability of the description are required, then no changes to the associated language reference set members are necessary. If changes to the acceptability of the description are required, a new version of the relevant language reference set member is added with the required acceptabilityId. |