Welcome and apologies | | - Business meeting in Bratislava
- Comments in Compositional Grammar
Result sets for ECL examples | | - Review proposed format for result sets of ECL examples
- Agree on file naming scheme for each file type
- xres2_ECL(v1.3)_6.1.3.1-ExpresionConstraint_INT_20170817.ecl
- xres2_ECL(v1.3)_6.1.3.1-Result(INT-20170731)_INT_20170817.txt
- xres2_ECL(v1.3)_6.1.3.1-SQLScript_INT_20170817.sql
- Master Metadata Index with the following information
- Include only the concept identifier? Or add a PT or FSN?
- Using alphabetical ordering of concept identifiers
URI standard updates | | - Discuss further requirements for update to URI standard
Implications of enhanced DL | All | - Discuss any implications to computable languages of potential enhancements to DL - for example:
- GCIs
- Role chains
- Universal restriction
- ?Concepts as numbers
Questions from Daniel | All | Discuss questions from Daniel - to support expression repositories (i.e. where the substrate is dynamic in that expressions could be added), do we need to add the ability to use the ECL to apply constraint operators to post-coordinated expressions, i.e. where a piece of the ECL string is to be interpreted as a SCG expression, e.g. << [ 404684003 | Clinical finding (finding) |: 363698007 |Finding site (attribute)| = 10200004 | Liver structure (body structure) | ]? This would correspond to a DL query.
- to support potential expansion of the SNOMED CT logic profile, do we need to extend SCG to support axioms as opposed to only expressions, for example to allow (non-hidden) GCAs to be stated in SCG?
- we need an SNOMED CT OWL specification, i.e. how is SNOMED CT (concepts and descriptions) represented in OWL. Is this within the scope of this group?
Query Language | | - Review proposed Query Language examples
- Additional requirements from SLPG members?
Confirm next meeting date/time | | Next meeting to be held at 20:00 UTC on Wednesday 13th September 2017 |