Item Description Owner Notes Action 1 Welcome CRI CRI provided short introduction on her background.
2 Apologies/conflicts of interest CRI Nil advised at meeting.
Note: Apology provided post meeting by Daniel Karlsson.
Nil 3 Change in Chair and Content Management Executive CRI CRI advised on co-chairing by herself and Lesley MacNeil (LMA). Advised CRI taking lead for running of the group.
4 ToR update CRI ToR update to reflect change of chair (see attachment- only change is chair details) ToR update approved by group members. 5 Communication
CRI/ALL Update and discussion
Inter AG communication CMAG communicationBlogs: for announcements not discussions, though comments can be added. Discussion area: for items requiring discussion by the group. Useful Other useful links page. I ntended to assist members with keeping across other groups. If additional links are required just let CRI know. CMAG Action List : for active use by group. CRI showed where to locate actions assigned to members in their personal space. Content updatesWill the Useful Other useful links page be sufficient or are additional reports required? Additional reports:CWD and EWO raised there had been a request for a more detailed Content Development Roadmap EWO - Pre-release content update of value. OBO- Management Board updates in particular content relevant Suggestion by CRI to focus on making meetings on activities rather than updates, though group members can raise if there are questions etc. Cathy Richardson 14 Jul 2016 to follow up on inter AG communication Content updates Cathy Richardson 14 Jul 2016 to take suggestions on additional reports for internal discussion 6 Topic based management of items CRI Proposed templateLink to template Topic or issue template Template is best viewed in edit mode. A screenshot has been attached to the meeting page as an alternative to view. CRI: raised ToR noting the need to gather input from members without a CMAG representative. 7 Open topics CRI/ALL Identification of open topics and statuses 8 CMAG 2016 workplan CRI/ALL Criteria for measuring successCMAG Work Plan 2016 Roadmap- due July 16. Process for implementation of distributed editing - to be added July agenda Working relationship EAG/ Content Team - closer relationship.Inter AG comms will tie in here Authoring team- change of chair Add to September meeting for review Cathy Richardson 08 Jul 2016 to chat with Lesley MacNeill on the updated roadmap. Will need to tie into request for further detail too. Cathy Richardson 08 Jul 2016 to speak to Jim on EAG and CMAG relationship 9 October Face to Face Meeting CRI/ALL DiscussionAgreement on half day meeting Plan to make it a working session Ensure planning to support productivity Potential for crossover of items with EAG to be considered. Invite Jim Case to meeting 10 Any other business ALL Calendar invites- discussed given past issues with correct timing showing in some calendars. Meeting minutes: Need for minutes raised. CRI will update the notes section post meetings to assist with keeping a record of discussions/decisions. Group can review each meeting and confirm agreement. Provision of information prior to meeting important.CRI: advised time to review and provide input will be allocated. Action list will be used to support this.