Page History
The following table summarises the key symbols used in the Expression Constraint Language's brief syntax, with the ECL version in which each symbol was introduced. For more information about the version history of ECL, please refer to the 'History' section in 1. Introduction.
Symbol | Name | Version | Notes |
| | Pipe | 1.0 | Used on either side of a concept's term for human readability |
* | Any | 1.0 | Retrieves all concepts in the substrate |
^ | Member of | 1.0 | Retrieves the referencedComponentId of all (active) members of a reference set (or set of reference sets) |
^ [ A, B] | Member of (with field selection) | 2.0 | Retrieves the values of fields A and B of all (active) members of a reference set (or set of reference sets) that match the included Member filters (if applicable) |
< | Descendant of | 1.0 | Retrieves all descendants (subtypes) of the specified concept excluding the concept itself |
<< | Descendant or self of | 1.0 | Retrieves all descendants (subtypes) of the specified concept including the concept itself |
<! | Child of | 1.1 | Retrieves all children (immediate subtypes) of the specified concept excluding the concept itself |
<<! | Child or self of | 1.4 | Retrieves all children (immediate subtypes) of the specified concept including the concept itself |
> | Ancestor of | 1.0 | Retrieves all ancestors (supertypes) of the specified concept excluding the concept itself |
>> | Ancestor or self of | 1.0 | Retrieves all ancestors (supertypes) of the specified concept including the concept itself |
>! | Parent of | 1.1 | Retrieves all parents (immediate supertypes) of the specified concept excluding the concept itself |
>>! | Parent or self of | 1.4 | Retrieves all parents (immediate supertypes) of the specified concept including the concept itself |
!!> | Top of set | 2.2 | Filters the results set, by matching only on concepts that have no ancestors within the set |
!!< | Bottom of set | 2.2 | Filters the results set, by matching only on concepts that have no descendants within the set |
A#B | Alternate identifier | 2.2 | Retrieves a single concept based on an alternate identifier, where A is the identifier scheme alias and B is the identifier code |
AND | Conjunction | 1.0 | Retrieves the intersection of the results of each sub-expressions |
OR | Disjunction | 1.0 | Retrieves the union of the results of each sub-expressions |
MINUS | Exclusion | 1.0 | Retrieves the members of the first expression and excludes the members returned by the second expression |
: | Refinement | 1.0 | Used before one or more attribute-value pairs to refine the set of concepts retrieved |
[1..3] | Cardinality | 1.0 | Used to indicate the minimum and maximum number of occurrences of attributes or relationship groups |
R | Reverse flag | 1.0 | Retrieves the set of attribute values (i.e. destination concepts) of a specified attribute for a specified set of concepts |
. | Dot notation | 1.2 | Retrieves the set of attribute values (i.e. destination concepts) of a specified attribute for a specified set of concepts |
/* */ | Comment | 1.1 | Allows comments to be added within the text of an expression constraint |
{{ }} | Description filter | 1.5 | Filters the result set, by matching only on concepts which have a description with a matching term, language, type, dialect and/or acceptability |
{{ D }} | Description filter | 1.6 | Filters the result set, by matching only on concepts which have a description with a matching term, language, type, dialect and/or acceptability |
{{ C }} | Concept filter | 1.6 | Filters the result set based on the definition status, module, effectiveTime and active status of each concept |
{{ M }} | Member filter | 2.0 | Filters the result set based on the value of specific fields in a reference set. |
{{+ HISTORY}} | History supplement | 2.0 | Supplements the results with relevant inactive concepts |
The following table provides some examples of each of the key syntax features of the Expression Constraint Language.