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The use of description logic as the formal foundation of SNOMED CT allows the semantics of clinical concepts to be represented unambiguously. Description logic also enables logical deduction in which additional information can be inferred from the explicit statements in the terminology. Classification is the process in which the formally stated definitions of each concept are used to compute the subsumption hierarchies and defining properties of each concept.

With every each new release of SNOMED CT, two types of relationship files are distributed: the Stated Relationship file, containing the defining relationships stated by the terminology authors; and the Relationship file, containing the stated concept definitions are represented in the OWL Expression reference set, while the Relationship file, contains the full set of relationships that can be inferred using a classifier (excluding non-redundant 

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relationships). It is important that extension producers are aware of the difference between these two files, and the fact that most Most consumers of the terminology SNOMED CT will use the Relationship file (containing the inferred relationships). The Stated Relationship file is OWL reference sets are primarily used by extension producers, but may also be used by terminology consumers that have access to a description logic classifier.


OWL Expression Reference Set

Include Page
DOCRELFMT:OWL Expression Reference Set file
DOCRELFMT:OWL Expression Reference Set fileDOCTSG:9.1 Stated Relationships FileDOCTSG:9.1 Stated Relationships File

Inferred Relationships

Inferred relationships are derived from the set of stated defining relationshipsof 

tOWL axioms
 in the OWL Expression Reference Set, by applying a consistent set of logical rules to the definition which take account of the definitions of related concepts.

Several semantically equivalent views may be inferred from the same set of stated relationships. However, the SNOMED CT Relationship file is distributed using an inferred view known as the Distribution Normal Form (DNF)

tnecessary normal form (NNF)
GlosTermnecessary normal form
. This standard distribution view, includes all non-redundant 
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 relationships (between each concept and its proximal supertype), and the inferred concept definition of each concept (including all non-redundant defining relationships). For more information, please refer to the  Inferred definition views section in the Terminology Services GuidePlease note that in the standard distribution

In the necessary normal view (DNF):


t116680003 |Is a|


NNF) appropriate subtype and attribute relationships are created to represent non-redundant axioms that are necessarily true capable of being represented using the relationship file format.


Some more advanced axioms (e.g. 

tgeneral class inclusions
)  can be represented in the OWL Expression Reference Set but cannot be represented in the Relationship File.



This example is included to illustrate what happens during the classification process.
