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  • Extension concepts with an 
    t116680003 |Is a|
     relationship whose destination is in another module
  • Extension concepts with a defining attribute relationship whose destination is in another module
  • Extension concepts with a defining relationship whose type belongs to another module
  • Extension descriptions which are associated with a concept from another module
  • Extension reference set members that reference components from another module
  • Extension components with properties (e.g. definitionStatusId) that belong to the international 
    t900000000000012004 |SNOMED CT model component module|

Caption reference
  illustrates  illustrates a local extension module that references content in a national extension, and is therefore dependent on the national extension module; and similarly a national extension module that references content in the  International Edition, and is therefore dependent on the international modules. 

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A dependent module references content in the module it depends on

In this situation, we refer to the local extension as being a 'child' of the national extension 'parent', because the local extension contains a module that is dependent on a module in the national extension. Similarly, the national extension is a 'child' of the International Edition 'parent', because the national extension contains a module that is dependent on a module from the International Edition.


An extension, which includes translations of concepts from the International Edition, will include extension descriptions whose conceptId belongs to the International Edition. Therefore the content in this extension module directly relies on content in a module from the International Edition. As shown in 

Caption reference
, this content dependency results in a module dependency.

Caption label
A content dependency caused by a translation

Defining Subsets of Concepts

In this example, a local extension contains a simple reference set that represents a subset of concepts. If one or more of the concepts in this subset belong to the National Extension, the extension reference set will contain rows in which the referencedComponentId refers to concepts from a module in the national extension. In this way, content from the local extension module relies on a module from the National Extension.  illustrates  

Caption reference
  illustrates another example in which a content dependency results in a module dependency.

Caption label
A content dependency caused by a reference set member

Adding Concepts

In this example, the extension includes new clinical content. Because all active concepts in an extension must be subsumed by the root concept, |SNOMED CT Concept|, there must exist at least one 

t116680003 |is a|
 relationship in the extension with a destinationId that refers to a concept in another module. Clinical content in the extension module must depend on the international core module either directly or indirectly.  illustrates  
Caption reference
 illustrates another example in which a content dependency results in a module dependency.


Caption label
A content dependency caused by an |is a| relationship


Module Dependency Reference Set

The content dependencies described above create a need to establish a formal link between the dependent module and the modules on which it depends. These dependencies are defined in SNOMED CT at the module level, rather than being defined based on an entire extension. This allows extensions to be subdivided into separate modules, with different dependencies on modules in the same extension, in other extensions, or in the International Edition.


It is important to note that all dependencies for each module (including transitive dependencies) must be explicitly stated. For example,  illustrates

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  illustrates an example in which all 3 dependencies must be explicitly stated: Module C is dependent on Module B, Module B is dependent on Module A and Module C is dependent on Module A.

Caption label
Explicitly stating transitive module dependencies