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This practical guide outlines key requirements for enabling effective access to

 and   and illustrates some of the options for meeting these requirements using a freely available
 database. The rationale for using SQL as an illustrative example is that this is a widely understood way to access structured data that can be readily applied to SNOMED CT release files.



SNOMED International also provides a range of tools that enable access to SNOMED CT content. These include a SNOMED CT Browser through through which to explore the terminology, a FHIR Terminology Server and a range of other open source tools that enable programmatic access to terminology content. For further details see see SNOMED International Tools or visit the SNOMED International GitHub repository to access open source projects supporting a range of terminology service requirements.


The primary purpose of this document is to enhance understanding of the logical design and release file structure of SNOMED CT and to provide practical ways to deliver services that utilize access the key features of the terminology SNOMED CT in a widely understood programming language. For more scalable and performant approaches to implementing SNOMED CT please visit SNOMED International's Github repository - e.g.

For more details on the purpose of the document see Section 2. Objectives, Audiences and Uses.
