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May 2024 PreProduction (Version 2) vs May 2024 Production (Version 1) traceability


View file
nameCOMPARISON RESULTS (May24PreProdVersion2 vs May24ProdVersion1).pdf

CONCLUSION:  NO Changes as expected 

November 2023 Production (PUBLISHED) vs May 2024 Pre-Production (Version 2) traceability


View file
nameCOMPARISON RESULTS (Nov2023ProdPublished vs May2024PreProdVersion2).pdf

CONCLUSION:  Changes as expected -

  • New files
    • 2x Annotations files added

      • der2_scsRefset_ComponentAnnotationStringValueFull_EE1000181_


      • 20240530.txt


      • 20240530.txt


      • 20240530.txt


      • 20240530.txt

    • All new


    • Refset files added as per the lists in the MSSP ticket above:

      • der2_


      • Refset_eestiMaterjaliTuubiKlassifikaatorSimpleRefsetSnapshot_EE1000181_20240530.txt                  

      • der2_


      • Refset_


      • eestiKohuLeiuPaikmeKlassifikaatorSimpleRefsetSnapshot_EE1000181_20240530.txt


      • der2_


      • Refset_


      • eestiMotoorseDefitsiidiAsukohaKlassifikaatorSimpleRefsetSnapshot_EE1000181_20240530.txt


  • Refset


Looks like these don't match on initial inspection, but this is simply because you have to MANUALLY add the "NEW" DE file totals to the pre-existing file totals in order to match the Grand totals from the SCS report:

  • files
    • All refsets listed as remaining static (in the MSSP ticket above) have no changes, as expected

    • All new refsets listed as new (in the MSSP ticket above) have new files + records, as expected
    • All new refsets listed as updated (in the MSSP ticket above) have updated records, as expected
  • RefsetDescriptor files
    • New records added for new Refset files added as per the lists in the MSSP ticket above

  • ModuleDependency files
    • 2x records updated with new dates as expected

So you need to add the 55255 totals from the new BE Lang refset files to the 61488 totals (of pre-existing refsets) to get the 116742 grand totals!


  • Description files
    • Same as above for the Language refset files!


  • Same as above for the Language refset files!


  • All Updated files match list in Refsets tab in MSSP-2779

  • All Static files match list in Refsets tab in MSSP-2779
