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Date of Final Handover meeting: 03 September 2021



Page properties

Handover Status




Items to be discussed



Prerelease Content Management Activities:

  1. Verify that all namespace concepts (in the namespace registry) have been added
  2. Inactivate the root concept synonym referencing previous release, and add synonym to reference current release.
  3. Update copyright date on synonym (January releases only; N/A to July 2021)
  4. Send updated laterality indicator spreadsheet to technical team to support qualifier generation.
  5. Get SE and SP refset files from Yong

  6. Content Team to confirm to Release Manager that 4x MRCM refset files are complete and ready to be released (they are then extracted from the termServer during release builds via the termServer Export)

  1. MBR - verified with Yohani - MBR not needed, will add any requests to next available editing cycle going forward.
    1. MBR confirmed we can remove this from the checkpoint going forward as now just manual task in whatever the next release is for Maria + Yohani!
  2. MBR - done please see 
    serverIHTSDO JIRA
  3. MBR - not required for September release - only every year...
  4. Peter G. Williams to generate + Yong to also create it the old way + compare to ensure valid...
    1. ????Yong/Peter to generate and deliver by Wednesday 8th????
  5. Peter G. Williams  to generate (FRI-158) + Yong to also create it the old way + compare to ensure valid...
    1. ????Yong/Peter to generate Daily build and deliver by Wednesday 8th????
????Maria confirmed all good + Yong confirmed all requests agreed for next cycle.????
  1. Yong confirmed he will try to follow the deadlines for the monthly releases - 
    1. September 2021 had some Observables changes, BUT they didn't make it in in time for the September deadline, so these will be done for the October 2021 release.
    2. Therefore there are NO expected MRCM changes for the September 2021 release.


Discussion of existing Known Issues from the previous Release

  1. ISRS-1023 - awaiting authoring platform update - on hold indefinitely until this happens....
  2. ISRS-1038 - exception list proper names - permanently whitelisted.
  3. ISRS-1063 - resolved all changes verified present for September 2021 release.  AAT to test in Sept 2021...
  4. ISRS-1066 - resolved changes verified present for September 2021 release.  AAT to test in Sept 2021...



Content Validation Activities in the Current Release cycle:

  1. Concepts that have changed its high level hierarchy ancestor since last release
  2. Concepts with FSNs with changed semantic tags
  3. Active concepts with changed FSNs (check for shifts in meaning)
  4. Concepts *in*-activated since the last release
  5. Concepts *re*-activated since the last release
  6. Concepts that changed from fully defined to primitive
  7. Concepts that changed from primitive to fully defined
  8. New FSNs: Check for adherence to naming conventions, no acronyms, etc.
  9. Spell checking for new descriptions and/or manual inspection
  10. Review all new and changed text definitions
  11. Additions/removals of members of VMP refset (Inactive concepts still in the VMP refsets are removed during release extraction)
  12. Additions/removals of members of VTM refset (Inactive concepts still in the VTM refsets are removed during release extraction)
  13. Verify that there have been no changes to the Non-human refset in the Workbench.
  14. Additions/removals of members of ICD-O simple map refset (Inactive concept still in the ICDO map are removed during release extraction)
  15. Active concepts having active historical associations and reasons for inactivation

***** AS OF NEXT MONTH's RELEASE (October 2021), THIS MANUAL VALIDATION SHOULD HOPEFULLY HAVE BEN REPLACED BY INCREASED SCOPE OF AUTOMATED VALIDATION, AND THEREFORE THIS STEP CAN BE CHANGED TO SOMETHING LIKE "Content Release Lead confirms to Release Manager that all Projects had full automated validation run against them, and all issues identified were resolved before promotion." *****

Maria has completed all these manually for this cycle, but this will slowly change to automated validation in the upcoming releases...

Content Team Support availability - Confirm which members of the content team will remain on stand-by until clean database milestone is achieved after release build file QA and post-release assertions are validated.


Maria and Yong will be around. 



Early visibility of Release Notes

Andrew Atkinson has created the template to update on Confluence: SNOMED CT September 2021 International Edition - SNOMED International Release notes - content team to update with relevant figures for July 2021 content.....

ACTION: Maria Braithwaite and Donna Morgan

will kindly aim to get them to Andrew Atkinson by ?????? September 2021?????

confirmed we don't need these for the September and October releases - instead they'll just log the change notes in their Trello board and add them into the Jan 2022 release when we get to it.

Yong and Linda to confirm whether or not we need to add info on the new metadata concepts....

QUESTION:  Do we need a more streamlined format?  Or just include a lot less data? - WE'LL PLAY AROUND WITH THIS IN THE NOVEMBER RELEASE - WE SHOULD GO VERY MINIMALIST AND THEN SEE WHO (if anyone) in the community complains about it, and ask them to tell us specifically what hey want us to add back in...

ACTION: Monica Harry and Paul Amos to review and approve once complete


6Brief run through of the known issues already identified by the content team during the QA batch process, to ensure that technical team are aware of them, and can either resolve them in time for the release, or confirm as known issues.

Maria confirmed all tickets complete.

7Versioning and Change Freeze

Plan is to follow the new processes as now defined: 

AAT walked through and agreed new process with DevOps already, so unless there are any further questions/issues??

  • Chris/Terance had questions on how to manage the Daily Build in the following soft launch releases?
    • Kai answered their questions and agreed to add a flag in SnowStorm to help them manage it...

Versioning + related issues complete and resolved as of  =  + 

8Stats Report
??????Concepts changed 

3 Sept 2021 Reports run (by Maria) via the reporting platform:

Concepts inactivated  

New and changed components

Component stats

Peter confirmed reports will not be updated now, as most are based on Delta's, and once we've versioned the Delta files will be empty!  So we need to check the original reports run by Maria (above) straight after her authoring checks were complete, and just manually take all of the latest fixes (like

, etc) into account.


Just the obvious 8.4 release happening at the same time as Versioning...

  • Release schedule task for today - Content Release Lead to request (via Infra ticket) the maintenance screen to be raised in Production, to prevent further updates to International content
  • .
  • This is showing up in a new reporting platform report today: 

900000000000441003      SNOMED CT Model Component (metadata)         (metadata)    Unexpected Inf Rel Module Y          Y/Y     Concept module 900000000000012004 vs Rel module 900000000000207008        [I0] 116680003 |Is a (attribute)| -> 138875005 |SNOMED CT Concept (SNOMED RT+CTV3)|      

Checked with Yong - I think this is a known issue about module dependency. 138875005 |SNOMED CT Concept (SNOMED RT+CTV3)| belongs to the 900000000000207008 |SNOMED CT core module (core metadata concept)|. But its subconcepts include |SNOMED CT Model Component (metadata)| and |SNOMED CT model component module (core metadata concept)| and |SNOMED CT core module (core metadata concept)| are all belong to 900000000000012004 |SNOMED CT model component module (core metadata concept)|. 

  • CRS requests - will the requests that have a status of ready for release be changed to completed or are we waiting to change them all for the Jan 2022 release?
 still needs to be resolved - Maria will implement in a fix branch off RFBJAN21 and AAT will regression test (as feedback_fix release type) once complete.