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Example diagrams for MP (containing)

Stated template view:

Gliffy Diagram
displayNameMP (only)
nameMP (only)

Figure 12Image Removed
Figure 10: Medicinal Product (containing) stated template view

Example: single active ingredient product: stated view (including therapeutic role) followed by the inferred view that shows the grouper concepts concept associated with the product:

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Figure 1113: Medicinal Product (containing) example stated view

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Figure 1214: Medicinal Product (containing) example inferred view

Example: multiple active ingredient product: stated view followed by the inferred view that shows the grouper concepts associated with the the single active ingredient MP concepts that are the proximal parent concepts for the multiple active ingredient product:

Figure 1315: Medicinal Product (containing) example stated view - multi-ingredient concept

Figure 1416: Medicinal Product (containing) example inferred view - multi-ingredient concept


The "containing Medicinal Product" (MP containing) concept is defined by a single attribute:

Semantic tag(medicinal product)
Definition status
  • Concept
    t900000000000073002 |Sufficiently defined concept definition status
(core metadata concept)
  • |


: none identified

  • None identified
Role Group



Scg expression
127489000 |Has active ingredient|


  • Scg expression
    < 105590001|Substance|

    • Excluding

Has active ingredient

Range: 105590001|Substance (substance) - descendants only, excluding
    • concepts representing structural groupers, dispositions, or combined substances



  • 1..*
- there


  • There is no technical limit on the number of
    t127489000 |Has active ingredient|
    attributes that may be added to a concept; a practical limit may be imposed at a later date
  • For content in the
International Release
  • international edition, this attribute value should represent the base ingredient, not a modification, unless explicitly identified as an exception.

This attribute describes the set of active ingredient substances that the concept minimally contains. A set set of active ingredient substances may well have only one member.

Use case(s) supported by MP (containing)

The main use case for describing products containing some active ingredient substance(s), is for analysis; as an aggregation concept for use in research. Details of further use cases will be added as they become available.

Availability of MP (containing) concepts in the international



This class forms part of the medicinal product content provided in the international releaseedition.

IDMP Compatibility for MP (containing)


Example diagrams for MP (only)

Stated template view:Image Removed

Gliffy Diagram
displayNameMedicinal Product Only
nameMedicinal Product Only

Figure 1517: Medicinal Product (only) stated template view

Example: single active ingredient product: stated view followed by the inferred view that shows the grouper concepts proximal parent MP concept associated with the product: 

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Figure 1618: Medicinal Product (only) example stated view

Example inferred view: 

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Figure 1719: Medicinal Product (only) example inferred view

Example: multiple active ingredient product: stated view followed by the inferred view that shows the proximal parent MP ( containing ) parent concept associated with the product:

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Figure 1820: Medicinal Product (only) example stated view - multi-ingredient concept

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Figure 1921: Medicinal Product (only) example inferred view - multi-ingredient concept


The " Medicinal Product containing only" (MP only) concept is defined by two attributes describing the active ingredient(s) and the ingredient count:

Semantic tag(medicinal product)
Definition status
  • Concept
    t900000000000073002 |Sufficiently defined concept definition status
(core metadata concept)
  • |


: none

  • None identified


Scg expression
1142139005 |Count of base of active ingredient|


  • Range: Integer


  • 1..1


  • This attribute provides the number of base active ingredient substances present in the medicinal product
Role Group


Scg expression
127489000 |Has active ingredient|


  • Range:

 105590001|Substance (substance)

    Scg expression
    < 105590001|Substance|

     - descendants only, excluding concepts representing structural groupers, dispositions, or combined substances

    • Excluding concepts representing structural groupers, dispositions, or combined substances


  • 1..*
- there


  • There is no technical limit on the number
  • of 
    t127489000 |Has active ingredient|
    attributes that may be added to a concept; a practical limit may be imposed at a later date
  • This attribute describes the set of active ingredient substances that the concept minimally contains. A set set of active ingredient substances may well have only one member


Count of base of active ingredient

  • Range: 260299005|Number (qualifier value)| - descendants only
  • Cardinality: 1..1

    This attribute provides the number of base active ingredient substances present in the medicinal product

    Use case(s) supported by MP (only)


    • In national extensions; where it is useful for various clinical purposes, such as prescribing scenarios (so called "abstract" or "non-product-based" prescribing) and in medication history and in Medication Profilesmedication profiles
    • Internationally and nationally in decision support and in protocols and treatment guidelines
    • Internationally and nationally for interoperability of patient medication information such as in patient summaries
    • Internationally and nationally for recording adverse events and/or sensitivities to medication, particularly for multi-ingredient preparations where there will be no appropriate single substance concept and it is not possible to say which particular active ingredient is responsible for the issue
    • In pharmacovigilance, especially for description of concomitant medications where less information may be available (see also below in IDMP Compatibility)
    • In analysis and research
    • As a supporting attribute for other concepts elsewhere in SNOMED CT

    Availability of MP (only) concepts in the international



    This class forms part of the medicinal product content provided in the international releaseedition.

    MP Precisely

    Description of the MP Precisely, which is not populated in the International Edition, has moved to the National Extension model.

    IDMP Compatibility

    The MP (only) concept might be directly compatible with the ISO 11616 concept of a level 1 Pharmaceutical Product (PhPID_SUB_L1), where the "active substance set" comprises the definition of this concept.  However, the granularity of description of substance for the PhP1 is not completely clear, but may be more granular than that used for the MP (only) concept.  The MP (only) concept is defined by "only and exclusively the active ingredient substance(s) that it contains but regardless of any modification of those active ingredient substance(s)" whereas the PhP1 will likely use a substance description that includes any modification, including when there are multiple modifications (e.g. a solvated salt modification).  See also the MP (precisely) concept below.

    Note that, in IDMP, for products using adjuvants it is probable that the adjuvant would be included as part of the "active substance set" and its role explicitly identified.  For example aluminium hydroxide is used as an adjuvant in several vaccine products (e.g. hepatitis A, hepatitis B) in addition to the antigen itself to enhance the immune response; it is not an active ingredient per se and it is not an inactive ingredient, it is explicitly an "adjuvant". However, this type of detail of the implementation of the abstract model of ISO 11616 remains unclear, and in its first implementation, vaccines are out of scope for the Medicinal Product hierarchy model in SNOMED CT.

     ** Medicinal Product (MP precisely) (closed world view) - optional concept class - not populated in the International Release **

    Definition of MP (precisely)

    An abstract representation of a medicinal product based on description of only and exclusively the precise active ingredients it contains.

    For example, "Product containing amoxicillin sodium precisely" represents products that must contain precisely amoxicillin sodium not amoxicillin trihydrate nor a substance that is any further modification of amoxicillin sodium, should one exist; and they must not contain any other active ingredients, such as clavulanic acid. 

    A Medicinal Product (MP precisely) concept may be created in national extensions when use case(s) require this (see below) and for those national extensions where products exist such that the Active Ingredient Count attribute for the MP precisely has a different value from the Active Ingredient Count of the parent Medicinal Product (MP only) concept.  It is described here for completeness and to acknowledge that this is a key issue for many national terminologies.  For further details and examples, see the Ingredient Count attribute section below.

    Example diagrams for MP (precisely)

    Example: product with a "multiple modified" active ingredient substance (dexamethasone phosphate is the modified concept that has a further modification to give dexamethasone sodium phosphate): stated view,  showing both the count of the base active ingredient and the count of base and modification pair are present, as the substance has a multiple modification (dexamethasone phosphate is the modified concept that has a further modification to give dexamethasone sodium phosphate) and there are multi-ingredient concepts that contain this multiple modified substance and at least one other modified ingredient substance that shares the same base substance (dexamethasone) (see next examples). The multi-ingredient concept is "dexamethasone sodium phosphate and dexamethasone acetate".  As described in the MRCM rules, the additional ingredient count attributes have to be applied iteratively.  The following inferred view shows the correct dexamethasone moiety MP (only) parent concept.

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    Figure 20:  Single Ingredient Medicinal Product (precisely) example stated view 

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    Figure 21: Single Ingredient Medicinal Product (precisely) example inferred view 

    Example: multi-ingredient concept, where both precise active ingredient substances share the same base moiety substance, showing requirement for two ingredient count attributes; note that because these attributes must be applied iteratively, the MP precisely concepts exist for each single ingredient product

    Image Removed

    Figure 22: Medicinal Product (precisely) example stated view - multi-ingredient concept 

    Image Removed

    Figure 23: Medicinal Product (precisely) example inferred view - multi-ingredient concept 

    The count of base and modification pair ensures that this multi-ingredient product does not incorrectly subsume under either of the single ingredient products, since they have a base and modification pair count of one and this has a base and modification pair count of two. It can subsume under the parent "Product containing only dexamethasone" as shown in the diagram above, as "Product containing only Dexamethasone" has a Count of base of active ingredient of 1, and that one is dexamethasone (substance), which is the same as for the "Product containing only Dexamethasone acetate and Dexamethasone sodium phosphate".

    The requirement for all the three ingredient count attributes depends significantly on how the substance hierarchy is modelled.  For example, with calcium products (calcium lactate and calcium lactate gluconate) if both are considered modifications of "calcium (substance)" then for multi-ingredient products containing both, the three ingredient counts would be required to obtain correct classification for MP only and MP precisely concepts. 

    For further details, see the Ingredient Count section below.

    Attributes of MP (precisely)

    The " Medicinal Product containing precisely" (MP precisely) concept is defined by two groups of attributes; to describe the precise active ingredient(s) and the ingredient count(s).  The ingredient count attributes are applied incrementally, as the requirement arises for MP precisely concepts; this is a pragmatic and incremental approach to maintenance of the hierarchy.  Although it is desirable for attributes to be applied globally, this would introduce a significant maintenance burden for what is required in only a minority, although a significant minority, of cases.  They are applied when the requirement to describe products that contain two or more active ingredients that are modifications of the same base and are applied from the top down (i.e. from the MP precisely class, down to the clinical drug class, including the MPF precisely if required) within the particular sub-hierarchy base ingredient concept.

    In national extensions using the MP precisely concept where there is no MP precisely concept in the international and CD concepts do not have multiple ingredient counts so that classification results are not as expected, it may be necessary to override the international definition of some concepts in the sub-hierarchy in the national extension (e.g. if a CD containing one of the precise ingredient substances has only one count attribute in the international, but requires two or three count attributes in the national in order to get correct classification into an MP precisely concept).


    900000000000073002|Sufficiently defined concept definition status (core metadata concept)

    • Exceptions: none identified



    Has precise active ingredient



    Count of base of active ingredient


    This attribute provides the number of base active ingredient substances present in the medicinal product



    Count of base and modification pair


    This attribute provides the number of base active ingredient substances present in the medicinal product

    This attribute should only be present and valued for multi-ingredient product concepts where two or more active ingredients are share the same base active ingredient (i.e. parent ingredient substance) and for single ingredient product concepts where the active substance is an ingredient in multi-ingredient products. As discussed above, and as described in the MRCM rules, the additional ingredient count attributes have to be applied iteratively



    Count of active ingredient


    • Range: 260299005|Number (qualifier value)| - descendants only
    • Cardinality: 0..1

    This attribute provides the number of active ingredients present in the medicinal product

    This attribute should only be present and valued for multi-ingredient concepts where two or more active ingredients are share the same base active ingredient (i.e. parent ingredient substance) and where one is a further modification of the other (for example, a multi-ingredient product containing both dexamethasone phosphate and dexamethasone sodium phosphate, where the dexamethasone phosphate is a modification of dexamethasone (base) and dexamethasone sodium phosphate is a further modification of the dexamethasone phosphate), and for single ingredient product concepts where the active substance is an ingredient in multi-ingredient products. As discussed above, and as described in the MRCM rules, the additional ingredient count attributes have to be applied iteratively. 

    Use case(s) supported by MP (precisely)

    The use case for the MP (precisely) concept is primarily to provide a more exact and explicit medicinal product concept for use in those scenarios where different modifications of the base active ingredient have clinical significance - usually because of different potency and different dosing schedules. There are several groups of products where this is the case, for example the corticosteroids, various of the anti-epileptic medications (e.g. phenytoin and valproic acid), and insulins.  The the MP (precisely) class can be deployed in national extensions for those use cases that need it, such as prescribing scenarios (so called "abstract" or "non-product-based" prescribing where no product and no dose form are specified by the prescriber) and in medication history and in medication profiles, and in decision support, in protocols and treatment guidelines.  However, all the use cases described for MP (only) could use MP (precisely) as necessary when more exact and explicit representation is required.

    Availability of MP (precisely) concepts in the international release

    This class will not form part of the medicinal product content provided in the international release.  National extensions may require this subclass for certain use cases for particular types of products, as described above.

    IDMP Compatibility for MP (precisely)

    The MP (precisely) concept may also be directly compatible with the ISO 11616 concept of a level 1 Pharmaceutical Product (PhPID_SUB_L1), especially if the "active substance set" is likely to be described including all modifications.  However, since SNOMED CT model use cases suggest that MP (precisely) concepts are created only when different modifications of the base active ingredient have clinical significance, the number of MP (precisely) concepts that will exist in SNOMED CT is likely to be far less than the number of PhPID_SUB_L1 concepts. 

    It would theoretically be possible to create MP (precisely) concepts for a larger set of modified active ingredient substances, even if the modification had no clinical significance, in order to map to more IDMP PhPID_SUB_L1 concepts.  However, this may create issues elsewhere, particularly since it is known that having a large number of similar concepts available in a selection list increases safety risks for patient care.  Therefore, the use of MP (precisely) should be limited to only those situations where different modifications of the base active ingredient have clinical significancethe modelling of adjuvants in the vaccine content in the SNOMED CT international edition has not been finalised.