Versions Compared


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  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Helpful Admin Commands


cd ~/code/opt/mapping-service-admin/admin/remover
// DO NOT DO THIS mvn install -PMapRecords -D$rc
mvn install -PTerminology -D$rc -Dterminology=ICD10 -Dversion=2016


Note: (this should also be able to be run with this: 

Get maintenance window

cd ~/code/opt/mapping-service-admin/admin/remover  
mvn install -PMapMembers -D$rc
cd ~/code/opt/mapping-service-admin/admin/loader
set file = /home/ihtsdo/data/doc/release/20170131/icd10/der2_iisssccRefset_ExtendedMapSnapshot_INT_20170131.txt
perl -ne '@_=split/\t/; print if $_[4] eq "447562003"' $file > /tmp/x.txt
mvn install -PMapRecords -D$rc -Dinput.file=/tmp/x.txt -Dmember.flag=true -Drecord.flag=false


a.terminology = b.sourceTerminology and a.terminologyVersion = b.sourceTerminologyVersion;


cd ~/code/opt/mapping-service-admin/admin/loader
mvn install -PComputeWorkflow -D$rc


cd ~/code/opt/mapping-service-admin/admin/release
mvn install -PBeginRelease -D$rc -Dtest.mode.flag=true
mvn install -PRelease -D$rc -Doutput.dir=. -Dtime=20170731 -Dtest.mode.flag=true
mvn install -PFinishRelease -D$rc (This process currently takes 36 hours. 26 of these hours is in loading the refset members at the end.)
mvn install -PBeginEditingCycle -D$rc


1.) Get maintenance window. Take server down 
2.) cd ~/code/opt/mapping-service-admin/admin/remover 
3.) mvn install -PTerminology -Drun.config=/home/ihtsdo/config/ -Dterminology=SNOMEDCT -Dversion=latest
4.) cd ~/code/opt/mapping-service-admin/admin/loader
5.) mvn install -PRF2-snapshot -Drun.config=/home/ihtsdo/config/ -Dterminology=SNOMEDCT -Dinput.dir=/home/ihstdo/data/xSnomedCT_InternationalRF2_ALPHA_20170731T120000Z/Snapshot
