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Code Block
titleIllustrative Example of a Flag Setting Query
update full_tableName tbl
 set flag=flag | 1
 where tbl.effectiveTime=(select max(sub.effectiveTime) from copy_full_tableName sub where and sub.effectiveTime<='20190731');
update full_tableName tbl
 set flag=flag | 2
 where tbl.effectiveTime=(select max(sub.effectiveTime) from copy_full_tableName sub where and sub.effectiveTime<='20190131');
update full_tableName tbl
 set flag=flag | 4
 where tbl.effectiveTime=(select max(sub.effectiveTime) from copy_full_tableName sub where and sub.effectiveTime<='20180731');
update full_tableName tbl
 set flag=flag | 8
 where tbl.effectiveTime=(select max(sub.effectiveTime) from copy_full_tableName sub where and sub.effectiveTime<='20180131');

Once the flags are set, a query such as the one below can be used to return component versions that are part of a particular snapshot view. The example query returns row in which the flag the second bit (value 2) is set. Based on the settings in the query above this means it would include rows that are part of the 2019-01-31 snapshot view of this table


Code Block
titleIllustrative Example of Queries Setting the supersededTime Value
-- Create temporary table for the supersededTime values
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp (id CHAR(36) NOT NULL,effectiveTime DATETIME,supersededTime DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (id,effectiveTime));

-- Compute the supersededTime values for each combination of id+effectiveTime and add these to the temporary file
INSERT INTO tmp SELECT, tbl.effectiveTime, (SELECT IFNULL(MIN(sub.effectiveTime),DATE "99991231") FROM full_tableName sub
    WHERE AND tbl.effectiveTime<sub.effectiveTime) supersededTime FROM full_tableName tbl;

-- Apply the appropriate supersededTime values to each row in the full table
UPDATE full_tableName tbl
    JOIN tmp
    SET tbl.supersededTime=tmp.supersededTime
        WHERE AND tmp.effectiveTime=tbl.effectiveTime;

Once the flags superseded time values are set, a query such as the one below can be used to return component versions that are part of a particular snapshot view. The example query returns row in which the flag the second bit (value 2) is set. Based on the settings in the query above this means it would include rows that are part of the 2019-01-31 snapshot view of this table
