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Versions Compared


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September 2018 Production (Version1) vs September 2018 Production (Version2) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale


September 2018 Pre-Production (Version1) vs September 2018 Production (Version1) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
Language files (EN)1


1 new record removed by B2i as expected in MSSP-268 in order to revert INVALID CHANGE:

< 20180915 1 11000172109 900000000000509007 593381000172111 900000000000549004

Language files (FR)1


1 new record removed by B2i as expected in MSSP-268 in order to revert INVALID CHANGE:

< 20180915 1 11000172109 21000172104 593381000172111 900000000000549004

March 2019 Production (PUBLISHED) vs September 2019 Pre-Production (Version1) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
ModuleDependency files2

2 records updated with new release dates, as expected

AttributeValue files725

725 new records added as part of latest editing cycle........

????VALID???? verified with BE in ticket MSSP-268

Language files (FR)7632

7612 7613 added, plus

19 inactivated as part of latest editing cycle........

in line with Description file changes as expected.

Language files (NL)7684

7670 added, plus

14 inactivated as part of latest editing cycle........

in line with Description file changes as expected.

Description files (FR)7631

7612 added, plus

19 inactivated as part of latest editing cycle........

????VALID???? verified with BE in ticket MSSP-268

Description files (NL)7679

7665 added, plus

14 inactivated as part of latest editing cycle........

????VALID???? verified with BE in ticket MSSP-268

Relationships files19

19 inactivated as part of latest editing cycle........

????VALID???? verified with BE in ticket MSSP-268

OWLExpression files5

5 records added:

> 604f4ae0-b120-457b-9d99-46d3af69a5c5 20190915 1 11000172109 733073007 11000172109 SubClassOf(:11000172109 :900000000000443000)
> a4271895-d420-4209-9487-57bb361905bd 20190915 1 11000172109 733073007 71000172103 SubClassOf(:71000172103 :64254006)
> bfb7462e-129d-44c2-ad05-44fc7876b0b1 20190915 1 11000172109 733073007 31000172101 SubClassOf(:31000172101 :900000000000506000)
> e2a66f8d-2f37-4e7c-a89b-fc3ab72329b8 20190915 1 11000172109 733073007 111000172100 SubClassOf(:111000172100 :64254006)
> e3c05512-ebc6-4443-82e4-d1b02bc1a6a0 20190915 1 11000172109 733073007 21000172104 SubClassOf(:21000172104 :722131000)

As expected, as match the same concepts that were originally stated in the Stated Relationship files, and which have now been inactivated

Stated Relationship files5

All 5 records inactivated as expected (due to replacement of Stated Relationship records with OWL axiom records in this release:

> 11000172121 20190915 0 11000172109 11000172109 900000000000443000 0 116680003 900000000000010007 900000000000451002
> 21000172127 20190915 0 11000172109 21000172104 722131000 0 116680003 900000000000010007 900000000000451002
> 31000172129 20190915 0 11000172109 31000172101 900000000000506000 0 116680003 900000000000010007 900000000000451002
> 541000172121 20190915 0 11000172109 71000172103 64254006 0 116680003 900000000000010007 900000000000451002
> 551000172123 20190915 0 11000172109 111000172100 64254006 0 116680003 900000000000010007 900000000000451002

Readme filen/a
updated with new release dates, as expected