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The Mapping Specialist will initiate the mapping process by evaluating the source SNOMED CT concept employing the context-free assumption: SNOMED CT concepts to be mapped from the source domains will be presumed to "speak for themselves". The concept definition as asserted in the Fully Specified Name (FSN) and the concept's defining relationships (excluding qualifiers) will be presumed to encompass all information available for definition of the concept and interpreted as explained in the SNOMED CT Editorial Guide. This information alone will be employed by the Mapping Specialist in assessing the source meaning and researching target code(s) for the MAP.

If the meaning of the SNOMED CT concept is judged to be ambiguous by the Mapping Specialist, the concept will be managed as follows.


Case #1 constitutes fundamental ambiguity in the meaning of the SNOMED CT concept and cannot be mapped pending clarification. These concepts will be assigned a Map member with mapCategoryId of

t447640006 |Source SNOMED CT concept is ambiguous|
. The editorial notes field will be populated with any information on the map accrued by the Mapping Specialists during their research. The concept will be referred to the SNOMED CT editors and the Map Lead. Once the ambiguity is resolved, the map will be completed and mapCategoryId will be updated with the appropriate assignment.


Examples of Case #2, Discrepancy in synonyms:

    t95531001 | Hemorrhagic duodenitis (disorder)|
    has a synonym
    t512170014 |multiple duodenal erosions |
    and definition as a hemorrhagic inflammation of duodenal structure. The synonym implies ulceration and not hemorrhage and should likely be defined and classified as a type of duodenal ulcer.
    t95531001 | Hemorrhagic duodenitis(disorder) |
    maps to ICD10 classification K29.8, Duodenitis. Discrepancy with concept definition will cause the Mapping Specialist to report the concept
    t95531001 | Hemorrhagic duodenitis (disorder) |
    as confusing and in need of editorial review.
