
Versions Compared


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The between logical model ofbetween the records components in the in the release files are depicted in the following diagram. Anchor_62c25d20-b251-4965-a56b-8a6b1577acb1__0_62c25d20-b251-4965-a56b-8a6b1577acb1__0 Image Removed

Figure 1. Relationships between files

Each is held as a single row in the Concept file.Each row represents a clinical .

Each has two or more associated with it (at least one and at least one ). Each is held as a single row in the Description file, and may only refer to a single .

. The component class represents columns present in all three component files. The individual classes (description, concept and relationship) only show the additional columns present in those files. The colored lines between descriptions and concepts and between relationships and concepts represent the link between the foreign keys (shown in bold) and the id of the concept. These provide the functional connections between components described in this document. The grey lines indicate additional links between columns that are populated with concept identifiers that provide enumerated values.

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Eachis represented by a row in the Concept file and the concept is identified by the id column in that row. There can be more than one row with the same id but with different effectiveTime values, in which case each of these rows represents a version of that same concept. Thus each row represents a version of a clinical 

Eachhas two or moreassociated with it:

  • At least oneand

  • At least one

Eachis represented by a row in the Description file and is identified by the id column in that row. There can be more than one row with the same id but with different effectiveTime values, in which case each of these rows represents a version of that same description. Thus each row represents a version of a description. Each description applies to one concept to which it is linked by the conceptId. All versions of a description must relate to exactly the same identified concept (i.e. the conceptId must not change between versions).

Eachfrom a sourceto a destinationis represented by a row in the Relationship file. There can be more than one row with the same id but with different effectiveTime values, in which case each of these rows represents a version of that same relationship. Thus each row represents a version of a relationship. The source, destination and type each relationship are identified respectively by the sourceId, destinationId and typeId columns. All versions of a relationship must have the same sourceId, destinationId and typeId.  The typeId refers to that is Each , from a source to a destination , is held as a single row in the Relationship file. The type of each is defined by reference to a linkage , also held within the Concept file. The only concepts that can be used as the relationship typeId are

Scg expression
116680003|is a|
or concepts that are subtypes of
Scg expression
410662002 |Concept model attribute|

The most basic form ofis the 

Scg expression
116680003|is a|
relationship. This relationship states that oneis a subtype of another. Each subtype concept is connected to its parent subtype(s) by relationships with the typeId
Scg expression
116680003|is a|
and this form the main SNOMED CT In thisamay The most basic form of is the subsumption , identifying that one is a kind of another . For example, an |Outpatient procedure| |Is a| |Procedure|. All the in form an |Is a| , with a parent connected to each by an |Is a| . In this , a may have more than one parent. The root of the is the | |theis 
Scg expression
138875005 |SNOMED CT Concept|
, which has 19 top level , each forming its own . There are no |Is a| that cross from one of these sub-hierarchies to another (e.g. from a in the Procedures to a in the Substances . a set of top leveleach forming its ownwith typeid values that are subtypes of In addition to the
Scg expression
116680003|is a410662002 |Concept model attribute|
, other are also held within the Relationship file, such as |Finding site| or |Laterality|. types are specified under the |Linkage| in the | Model | . are referred to as attribute relationship and contribute to the formal definition of the source concept.