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1800 UTC


GoToMeeting Details

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Dial +1 (872) 240-3212
Access Code: 374-912-925
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting

Meeting ID: 374-912-925


  • Gain consensus on revised proposal to add lateralized content to the International release

Discussion items

1Call to order and role callJCA



2Approval of prior minutesJCAMinutes approved
  •  Approve minutes from 4/4/2016
  •  Approve minutes from 4/19/2016
3Continuation of Laterality proposalJCA

If agreed, need to develop communication plan and schedule the work over the next several editing cycles. 


4Action item reviewEAGSpace Actions 
5Potential agenda topics for Wellington meetingJCA

We are meeting for a full day in New Zealand. Need substantive topics to move forward.


  •  Solicit additional agenda topics for Face-to-face meeting
6July conference call date and time verificationJCA

JCA is traveling or on leave from July 18 - Aug 6


7Additional itemsEAG