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1800 UTC


GoToMeeting Details

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Dial +1 (872) 240-3212
Access Code: 374-912-925
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting

Meeting ID: 374-912-925


Discussion items

1call to order and role callJCA
2Approval of minutes from 20160229JCA 
  •  Approve minutes
3Drug product Action Item follow upJCA


  •  TMO to invite KCA to present the VA RxNorm project to the drug modeling group.
  •  Paul Amos to speak to Jo Goulding and Emma Melush about the use of mappings to the drug concepts being considered in the drug strength project. 
  •  TMO to revise the proposal document after getting input from Paul Amos about Read Codes v.2.
  •  JCA said that TMO should collect input on the inactivation of concepts needing role from CMAG, then brief the MF. TMO should talk to IGR about how to do that.
  •  JCA instructed TMO to write up an inquiry to the MF and Content AG stating what the plan was, outlining benefits and detriments, and requesting information on how it would impact users.
4Uses of slashes in FSNJCA

Review discussion on editorial guidelines for use of "/" in FSN.


5Continuation of Laterality proposalJCA

Comments received from Content Managers Advisory Group

Laterality Proposal

  •  from IGR - Can we have an idea of the extent of changes that will be required on current content?
  •  From IGR - What will it mean for project where there is usage of content that currently represent a lateralised concept?
  •  Add quality assurance section
  •  Clarify the advantages when moving to nested DL of selecting ""Laterality" in relationship group over creating Lateralized anatomy.
  •  Document development of technical implementation and communication plan
6Content tracker reviewJCA

Content tracker dashboard


IHTSDO-858 - artf6279-definition of grouper, whitelisting of exceptions to MRCM rules in User Guide ACCEPTED  
IHTSDO-908 - artf221357-Extended (non-ASCII) UTF8 characters in terms ACCEPTED
IHTSDO-512 - artf6196-Moving between hierarchies without retirement: policy ACCEPTED
IHTSDO-803 - artf6195-Word order variants: policy OPEN
IHTSDO-707 - artf222830-Editorial policy issue - "AND" vs. "AND/OR" ACCEPTED 
IHTSDO-387 - artf6200-Editorial policy approval: criteria ACCEPTED
IHTSDO-608 - artf6253-Imperatives ACCEPTED
IHTSDO-541 - artf6312-Policy re unretiring (conceptstatus move from non-zero to zero) ACCEPTED 


7Use of URLs in definitionsJCA

Review of comments supplied by members.

Use of URLs in Text Definitions

8Potential agenda topics for London meetingJCAWe are meeting for a full day in London. Need substantive topics to move forward.
  •  Solicit additional agenda topics for London meeting
9May conference call date and time verificationJCAJCA is traveling on May 23. Move call to May 30? 
10Additional itemsEAG  

Meeting Files


Meeting minutes

2016-02-29 Editorial AG Conference Call Minutes


Previous Meetings

Content Report Table