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Teleconferences will be held twice a year and also as required. The These biannual meetings will be held in January and July. 


  • Business meeting scheduled October 19th to 23rd, 2024
  • CMAG plans to meet during the SNOMED International business meeting. 
    • The duration of the CMAG meeting to be determined.
  • Agenda to be agreed

2024 Activities

ActivityScopeDeliverablesTimeframe (suggested)LeadStatus
1Provision of national perspectives on current SNOMED International content projects and topicsRelevant current SNOMED CT content projects and topics as identified by the SNOMED International.

Items will be raised as relevant over the course of the year. For each item raised the deliverable will be input and/or feedback as required within mutually agreed timeframes.

Provision of input on the topic/s within set timeframes as agreed by the CMAG and relevant SNOMED International staff member/s.

CMAG co-chairs together with relevant SNOMED International staff member for item being discussed.


Provision of national input on the user impact of the SNOMED CT Editorial Advisory Group work items

The editorial decisions made by the SNOMED CT Editorial Advisory Group as identified by the Chair of the SNOMED CT Editorial Advisory Group.

Items will be raised as relevant over the course of the year. For each item raised the deliverable will be input and/or feedback as required within mutually agreed timeframes.Provision of input on the topic/s within set timeframes as agreed by the CMAG and the Chair of the SNOMED CT Editorial Advisory Group.

CMAG co-chairs


Sharing of information on past, current and future national content development activities

Provision of information on past, current and future national content development activities to aid in reducing duplication of effort and assist in identification of internationally applicable content and content gaps.

  • Provision of information content development activities by CMAG members at quarterly CMAG meetings


  • The Content Managers AG will enable two-way communication between the SNOMED International Content Team and its Members on areas relevant to SNOMED CT content development.
  • The primary route for communications will be the Content Managers AG Confluence Space, with AG Meetings schedules as per above, and as required.
  • Communications to the Content Managers AG will by default, be publicly accessible on the AG Confluence Space.
  • Information that is not for public view may also be shared on pages that are accessible to Content Managers AG members only. Requests for closed areas must be sent to prior to posting materials.
