Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

July 2022 PreProduction (Version1) package vs July 2022 Production (Version 2) package

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of records impactedJIRA ticketRationale
Readme file

2022 Dates updated in dependency package, as expected:

< This package is dependent upon the SNOMED CT July 2021 International Edition, and so should be consumed and analysed accordingly.
> This package is dependent upon the SNOMED CT July 2022 International Edition, and so should be consumed and analysed accordingly.



2022 Production (Published) package vs October


2023 PreProduction (Version


6) package

2022 removed, and ALL Delta files removed as expected:
  • < ./der2_ssRefset_OrphanetModuleDependencyDelta_INT_20210731.txt

  • < ./sct2_Concept_OrphanetDelta_INT_20210731.txt

  • < ./der2_ssccRefset_OrphanetMRCMAttributeRangeDelta_INT_20210731.txt

  • < ./der2_sRefset_OrphanetSimpleMapDelta_INT_20210731.txt

  • < ./der2_cRefset_OrphanetAssociationReferenceDelta_INT_20210731.txt

  • < ./sct2_sRefset_OrphanetOWLExpressionDelta_INT_20210731.txt

  • < ./sct2_StatedRelationship_OrphanetDelta_INT_20210731.txt

  • < ./der2_cissccRefset_OrphanetMRCMAttributeDomainDelta_INT_20210731.txt

  • < ./sct2_TextDefinition_OrphanetDelta-en_INT_20210731.txt

  • < ./sct2_Relationship_OrphanetDelta_INT_20210731.txt

  • < ./der2_cRefset_OrphanetAttributeValueDelta_INT_20210731.txt

  • < ./der2_sssssssRefset_OrphanetMRCMDomainDelta_INT_20210731.txt

  • < ./sct2_RelationshipConcreteValues_OrphanetDelta_INT_20210731.txt

  • < ./der2_cRefset_OrphanetMRCMModuleScopeDelta_INT_20210731.txt

  • < ./der2_ciRefset_OrphanetDescriptionTypeDelta_INT_20210731.txt

  • < ./sct2_Identifier_OrphanetDelta_INT_20210731.txt

  • < ./der2_cRefset_OrphanetLanguageDelta-en_INT_20210731.txt

  • < ./sct2_Description_OrphanetDelta-en_INT_20210731.txt

  • < ./der2_cciRefset_OrphanetRefsetDescriptorDelta_INT_20210731.txt

  • < ./der2_Refset_OrphanetSimpleDelta_INT_20210731.txt

61 804 added

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of records impactedJIRA ticketRationale
ModuleDependency files2
Both records had UUID's + dates refreshed, as expected
RefsetDescriptor files0

0 records updated as expected
Readme file

2023 Dates updated, and x prefixes

added to Filename only as expected

Identifier filesn/a

Headers updated in line with new format, as expected (MSSP-2163)

< identifierSchemeId    alternateIdentifier    effectiveTime    active    moduleId    referencedComponentId
> alternateIdentifier    effectiveTime    active    moduleId    identifierSchemeId    referencedComponentId

Simple Map files536


Simple Map files865

records removed as expected, 

348 new/updated records

as expected, as matches exactly the number of changes specified in the WCI OrphanetStats file.

Also confirmed by Maria and by INSERM in the email trail from 07:31 on