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November 2022 Production (PUBLISHED) vs May 2023 Pre-Production (Version1) traceability

Summary Component Stats Report:

MSSP Ticket for this release cycle:

November 2022

New Package naming convention has been applied as follows:

  • <
  • >

8 Files for 4 new refsets have been added as expected for 4 new refsets as confirmed in MSSP ticket (see above)

> ./der2_Refset_SubsetForAllergyIntoleranceCausativeAgentNondrugSimpleRefsetSnapshot_BE1000172_20220315.txt

> ./der2_Refset_SubsetForAllergyIntoleranceCausativeAgentNondrugSimpleRefsetFull_BE1000172_20220315.txt

> ./der2_Refset_SubsetForAllergyIntoleranceCausativeAgentDrugSimpleRefsetFull_BE1000172_20220315.txt

> ./der2_Refset_SubsetForAllergyIntoleranceCausativeAgentDrugSimpleRefsetSnapshot_BE1000172_20220315.txt

> ./der2_Refset_SubsetForAllergyIntoleranceManifestationSimpleRefsetSnapshot_BE1000172_20220315.txt

> ./der2_Refset_SubsetForAllergyIntoleranceManifestationSimpleRefsetFull_BE1000172_20220315.txt

> ./der2_Refset_SubsetForVaccinationSimpleRefsetSnapshot_BE1000172_20220315.txt

> ./der2_Refset_SubsetForVaccinationSimpleRefsetFull_BE1000172_20220315.txt

4 new refsets are:

  • 50831000172102 |Belgian subset for Vaccination (foundation metadata concept)|
  • 50841000172109 |Belgian subset for AllergyIntolerance, causative agent, drug (foundation metadata concept)|
  • 50851000172106 |Belgian subset for AllergyIntolerance, causative agent, non-drug (foundation metadata concept)|
  • 50861000172108 |Belgian subset for AllergyIntolerance, manifestation (foundation metadata concept)|
November 2022

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
Readme filen/a

EffectiveTimes updated to

May 2023, x prefixes added, plus


Subset For Vaccination Simple Refset files2

2 new/updated records +

0 inactivated

as expected???  No way to tell from the Summary Component Stats report, so need manual confirmation from Mounir when hand over Pre-Prod release...

Good news so far is that it was down as a Refset "that needs to be updated this cycle" in the master release ticket  MSSP ticket (see above)

Subset For Allergy Intolerance Causative Agent Drug Simple Refset3

0 new/updated records +

3 inactivated

as expected???  No way to tell from the Summary Component Stats report, so need manual confirmation from Mounir when hand over Pre-Prod release...

Good news so far is that it was down as a Refset "that needs to be updated this cycle" in the master release ticket  MSSP ticket (see above)

Subset For Allergy Intolerance Causative Agent Non-Drug Simple Refset2

0 new/updated records +

2 inactivated

as expected???  No way to tell from the Summary Component Stats report, so need manual confirmation from Mounir when hand over Pre-Prod release...

Good news so far is that it was down as a Refset "that needs to be updated this cycle" in the master release ticket  MSSP ticket (see above)

Subset For Allergy Intolerance Manifestation Simple Refset files0

0 new/updated records +

0 inactivated

as expected???  No way to tell from the Summary Component Stats report, so need manual confirmation from Mounir when hand over Pre-Prod release...

Good news so far is that it was down as a Refset "that needs to be updated this cycle" in the master release ticket  MSSP ticket (see above)

Belgian subset for medical problems in patient health records refset files20

0 new/updated records +

20 inactivated

as expected???  No way to tell from the Summary Component Stats report, so need manual confirmation from Mounir when hand over Pre-Prod release...

Belgian GP Subset refset files6743

6720 new/updated records +

23 inactivated

as expected???  No way to tell from the Summary Component Stats report, so need manual confirmation from Mounir when hand over Pre-Prod release...

Good news so far is that it was down as a Refset "that needs to be updated this cycle" in the master release ticket  MSSP ticket (see above)

Belgian POC FHIR no allergy Refset files0

0 new/updated records +

?????????AS EXPECTED - SHOULDN'T THESE NOW BE REMOVED COMPLETELY FROM PACKAGE AS PER full deprecation confirmation from Mounir on 1/9/22 in MSSP-1643

Belgian POC FHIR causative agent, no drug Refset files0

0 new/updated records +

?????????AS EXPECTED - SHOULDN'T THESE NOW BE REMOVED COMPLETELY FROM PACKAGE AS PER full deprecation confirmation from Mounir on 1/9/22 in MSSP-1643 ??????

Belgian POC FHIR manifestation Refset files0

0 new/updated records +

?????????AS EXPECTED - SHOULDN'T THESE NOW BE REMOVED COMPLETELY FROM PACKAGE AS PER full deprecation confirmation from Mounir on 1/9/22 in MSSP-1643 ??????

Translated Animal Materials Simple Refset files1

0 new/updated records +

1 inactivated

as expected???  No way to tell from the Summary Component Stats report, so need manual confirmation from Mounir when hand over Pre-Prod release...

Good news so far is that it was down as a Refset "that needs to be updated this cycle" in the master release ticket  MSSP ticket (see above)

Translated Edible Substances Simple Refset files1

0 new/updated records +

1 inactivated

as expected???  No way to tell from the Summary Component Stats report, so need manual confirmation from Mounir when hand over Pre-Prod release...

Good news so far is that it was down as a Refset "that needs to be updated this cycle" in the master release ticket  MSSP ticket (see above)

Translated Plant Materials Simple Refset files

0 new/updated records +

0 inactivated

as expected???  No way to tell from the Summary Component Stats report, so need manual confirmation from Mounir when hand over Pre-Prod release...

BAD news so far is that it was down as a Refset "that needs to be updated this cycle" in the master release ticket  MSSP ticket (see above) - however, Mounir then confirmed (on 1/9/22 in the same ticket) that this was just a mistake - the migration proved no changes required, and therefore 0 changes is correct - refset moved to the right "static" section in the ticket.

Extended Map (BE ICD-10 map)0

0 changes, as confirmed by Mounir on 1/9/22 in MSSP ticket (see above)

Simple refset files0

0 changes, as confirmed by Mounir on 1/9/22 in MSSP ticket (see above)

Concept files4


5 new/updated records, As expected as matches exactly with the Summary Component Stats report counts (see above) EXCEPT for the new top record, which Peter explained in MSSP-1755is "reactivated" and not technically new (due to the timing of the underlying monthly INT releases), and so he will improve the report to capture this better next time.

> 16386004    20221115    1    11000172109    900000000000074008
> 50831000172102    20221115    1    11000172109    900000000000074008
> 50841000172109    20221115    1    11000172109    900000000000074008
> 50851000172106    20221115    1    11000172109    900000000000074008
> 50861000172108    20221115    1    11000172109    900000000000074008

4 of them matches the 4 new Refsets expected to be added in this cycle:

  • 50831000172102 |Belgian subset for Vaccination (foundation metadata concept)|
  • 50841000172109 |Belgian subset for AllergyIntolerance, causative agent, drug (foundation metadata concept)|
  • 50851000172106 |Belgian subset for AllergyIntolerance, causative agent, non-drug (foundation metadata concept)|
  • 50861000172108 |Belgian subset for AllergyIntolerance, manifestation (foundation metadata concept)|
Description (EN) files8

8 new/updated records, as expected as all linked to the new Concepts added above, plus the total of ALL 3 Description files nearly matches the TOTAL figures in the "Descriptions" tab of the Summary Component Stats report counts (see above)

> 7891601000172114    20220915    1    11000172109    50831000172102    en    900000000000003001    Belgian subset for Vaccination (foundation metadata concept)    900000000000020002
> 7891611000172112    20220915    1    11000172109    50831000172102    en    900000000000013009    Belgian subset for Vaccination    900000000000020002
> 7891641000172111    20220915    1    11000172109    50841000172109    en    900000000000013009    Belgian subset for AllergyIntolerance, causative agent, drug    900000000000020002
> 7891651000172113    20220915    1    11000172109    50841000172109    en    900000000000003001    Belgian subset for AllergyIntolerance, causative agent, drug (foundation metadata concept)    900000000000020002
> 7891691000172117    20220915    1    11000172109    50851000172106    en    900000000000013009    Belgian subset for AllergyIntolerance, causative agent, non-drug    900000000000020002
> 7891701000172117    20220915    1    11000172109    50851000172106    en    900000000000003001    Belgian subset for AllergyIntolerance, causative agent, non-drug (foundation metadata concept)    900000000000020002
> 7891721000172112    20220915    1    11000172109    50861000172108    en    900000000000003001    Belgian subset for AllergyIntolerance, manifestation (foundation metadata concept)    900000000000020002
> 7891741000172115    20220915    1    11000172109    50861000172108    en    900000000000013009    Belgian subset for AllergyIntolerance, manifestation    900000000000020002

Description (FR) files30131

29803 new/updated records +

323 inactivated 

as expected, as the total of ALL 3 Description files nearly matches the TOTAL figures in the "Descriptions" tab of the Summary Component Stats report counts (see above)

Description (NL) files161830

161738 new/updated records +

85 inactivated 

as expected, as the total of ALL 3 Description files nearly matches the TOTAL figures in the "Descriptions" tab of the Summary Component Stats report counts (see above)

OwlExpression files 7

7 new/updated records, as expected as matches the figures in the Summary Component Stats report counts (see above)

Relationship files25

13 new/updatedrecords + 

12 inactivated records

As expected as matches exactly with the Summary Component Stats report counts (see above)

Relationship Concrete Values files0

0 new/updated records, as expected as matches the figures in the Summary Component Stats report counts (see above)

AttributeValue files11436

11433 new/updated records,

Plus 3 records inactivated

As expected as matches exactly with the Summary Component Stats report counts (see above)

Association files0

0 new/updated records 

As expected as matches exactly with the Summary Component Stats report counts (see above)

Language (EN) files2

2 new/updated records, as expected due to the new Descriptions added above, plus the reports:

as expected, as matches the figures in the "Refsets" tab of the Summary Component Stats report counts (see above)

Language (FR) files51875

44493 new/updated records +

7382 inactivated

as expected, as matches the figures in the "Refsets" tab of the Summary Component Stats report counts (see above)

Language (FR-BE-GP) context specific GP files7998

7986 new/updated records added +

12 inactivated

as expected, as matches the figures in the "Refsets" tab of the Summary Component Stats report counts (see above)

Language (NL) files77

66 new/updated records +

11 inactivated +

as expected, as matches the figures in the "Refsets" tab of the Summary Component Stats report counts (see above)

Language (NL-BE-GP) context specific GP files10247

10232 new/updated records added +

15 inactivated 

as expected, as matches the figures in the "Refsets" tab of the Summary Component Stats report counts (see above)

ModuleDependency files2
2 records updated to May 2023 dates as expected
RefsetDescriptor files1

1 records added ?????????????for new reference sets added in this cycle:

> 981fd949-a0b5-4a3c-8af7-a9643d30bf80    20230515    1    11000172109    900000000000456007    80921000172101    449608002    900000000000461009    0

Metadata .json file

Contains all expected info