Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

April 2023 PreProduction (Version ) vs April 2023 Production (Version ) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
Readme file

ALL x prefixes removed, plus Production naming conventions applied as planned

October 2022 Production (PUBLISHED) vs April 2023 PreProduction (Version


6) traceability

ALL 22 Delta files removed as planned

7 new records added, as expected to describe 7 new refsets in this cycle:

> 012fae72-149d-4bb5-ac4c-272464b5d9ff 20220421 1 11000220105 900000000000456007 61671000220102 449608002 900000000000461009 0
> 1432eb38-3325-417e-8945-de1ecdfe8ecc 20220421 1 11000220105 900000000000456007 61681000220104 449608002 900000000000461009 0
> 6995e3b6-640f-47bf-bad9-1b6d3e178df1 20220421 1 11000220105 900000000000456007 74921000220101 449608002 900000000000461009 0
> 798c558f-96fa-46d7-9008-12e4780c955d 20220421 1 11000220105 900000000000456007 74931000220103 449608002 900000000000461009 0
> 799c16a7-bbca-4708-9a92-9d5327851855 20220421 1 11000220105 900000000000456007 73041000220108 449608002 900000000000461009 0
> f2380868-e9db-4340-86f3-63b1c9204900 20220421 1 11000220105 900000000000456007 84731000220109 449608002 900000000000461009 061671000220102

This includes the new BreastCheck refset which has not gone live yet (but which the refsetDescriptor automation is picking up anyway) - doesn't hurt for it to be included early though:

> 75c1949e-6dbb-4aec-b8b0-9b59f18d8cb1 20220421 1 11000220105 900000000000456007 41661000220104 449608002 900000000000461009 0

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)RationaleALL Delta files
Antimicrobial Refset202MSSP-1435

New files added for brand new refset, as expected due to confirmation in Refsets tab in MSSP-1435 (74921000220101|Antimicrobial stewardship Performance Indicator Measurement (APIMS) Data set for Ireland):

  • > ./der2_Refset_AntimicrobialStewardshipPerformanceIndicatorMeasurementSystemApimsDataSetSimpleRefsetFull_IE1000220_20211021.txt

  • > ./der2_Refset_AntimicrobialStewardshipPerformanceIndicatorMeasurementSystemApimsDataSetSimpleRefsetSnapshot_IE1000220_20211021.txt

Dentistry Refset667MSSP-1435

New files added for brand new refset, as expected due to confirmation in Refsets tab in MSSP-1435 (74931000220103|Dentistry refset Ireland):

  • > ./der2_Refset_DentistrySimpleRefsetSnapshot_IE1000220_20211021.txt

  • > ./der2_Refset_DentistrySimpleRefsetFull_IE1000220_20211021.txt

Lymphodema Refset17MSSP-1435

New files added for brand new refset, as expected due to confirmation in Refsets tab in MSSP-1435 (84731000220109|Lymphodema reference set Ireland):

  • > ./der2_Refset_LymphodemaSimpleRefsetSnapshot_IE1000220_20211021.txt

  • > ./der2_Refset_LymphodemaSimpleRefsetFull_IE1000220_20211021.txt

National Ambulance Service Refset111MSSP-1435

New files added for brand new refset, as expected due to confirmation in Refsets tab in MSSP-1435 (61681000220104|National ambulance service reference set Ireland):

  • > ./der2_Refset_NationalAmbulanceServiceSimpleRefsetFull_IE1000220_20211021.txt

  • > ./der2_Refset_NationalAmbulanceServiceSimpleRefsetSnapshot_IE1000220_20211021.txt

Patient Flow Refset247MSSP-1435

New files added for brand new refset, as expected due to confirmation in Refsets tab in MSSP-1435 (73041000220108|Patient Flow Dataset Ireland):

  • > ./der2_Refset_PatientFlowDatasetSimpleRefsetSnapshot_IE1000220_20211021.txt

  • > ./der2_Refset_PatientFlowDatasetSimpleRefsetFull_IE1000220_20211021.txt

Public Health Refset91MSSP-1435

New files added for brand new refset, as expected due to confirmation in Refsets tab in MSSP-1435 (61671000220102|Public health nurse clinical caseload dataset):

  • > ./der2_Refset_PublicHealthNurseClinicalCaseloadDatasetSimpleRefsetFull_IE1000220_20211021.txt

  • > ./der2_Refset_PublicHealthNurseClinicalCaseloadDatasetSimpleRefsetSnapshot_IE1000220_20211021.txt

.JSON file

New file added in, as expected:

> ./release_package_information.json

ModuleDependency files2
2 records Updated to April 2022 dates (dependent on January 2022 INT Edition) as expected
RefsetDescriptor files78

All externallyMaintained refsetDescriptor records changed from 900000000000461009 (Concept Type) to 449608002 (referenced component) - WHY????? 

< 1c2bc0f0-94cd-49d0-8c82-fb4c806ef607    20210421    1    11000220105    900000000000456007    1551000220108    900000000000461009    900000000000461009    0
< 22b33ff0-74da-46b6-8584-aacc14ef1766    20201021    1    11000220105    900000000000456007    831000220103    900000000000461009    900000000000461009    0
< 28c87aa8-37f9-47a1-a5a8-d2655f0f5cdb    20210421    1    11000220105    900000000000456007    1561000220105    900000000000461009    900000000000461009    0
< 48f0c242-052f-4ae7-9c14-61941ddcf447    20201021    1    11000220105    900000000000456007    811000220108    900000000000461009    900000000000461009    0
< 4d50f11a-6e68-4160-8123-d3ce98bfcf56    20210421    1    11000220105    900000000000456007    1541000220106    900000000000461009    900000000000461009    0
< 547d8ad2-e284-4dbf-a689-a759f518e67c    20201021    1    11000220105    900000000000456007    841000220107    900000000000461009    900000000000461009    0
< 631f3a8e-9f61-402b-aac2-02e2d383ff53    20201021    1    11000220105    900000000000456007    821000220101    900000000000461009    900000000000461009    0
< c203a315-c83e-4a7d-87b3-036230d053ce    20210421    1    11000220105    900000000000456007    1531000220102    900000000000461009    900000000000461009    0
> 1c2bc0f0-94cd-49d0-8c82-fb4c806ef607    20230421    1    11000220105    900000000000456007    1551000220108    449608002    900000000000461009    0
> 22b33ff0-74da-46b6-8584-aacc14ef1766    20230421    1    11000220105    900000000000456007    831000220103    449608002    900000000000461009    0
> 48f0c242-052f-4ae7-9c14-61941ddcf447    20230421    1    11000220105    900000000000456007    811000220108    449608002    900000000000461009    0
> 4d50f11a-6e68-4160-8123-d3ce98bfcf56    20230421    1    11000220105    900000000000456007    1541000220106    449608002    900000000000461009    0
> 547d8ad2-e284-4dbf-a689-a759f518e67c    20230421    1    11000220105    900000000000456007    841000220107    449608002    900000000000461009    0
> 631f3a8e-9f61-402b-aac2-02e2d383ff53    20230421    1    11000220105    900000000000456007    821000220101    449608002    900000000000461009    0
> c203a315-c83e-4a7d-87b3-036230d053ce    20230421    1    11000220105    900000000000456007    1531000220102    449608002    900000000000461009    0
> 28c87aa8-37f9-47a1-a5a8-d2655f0f5cdb    20230421    1    11000220105    900000000000456007    1561000220105    449608002    900000000000461009    0

Association Refset files1
1 new record, as expected, as matches exactly the count in the Summary Component report attached to MSSP-1435:
AttributeValue files4

4 new records, as expected, as matches exactly the count in the Summary Component report attached to MSSP-1435:

Readme filen/a

Updated to April 2022 dates as expected


Language (EN) files11933

2564 new records + 

8776 inactivations +

593 updated records

as expected, as matches (almost) exactly the count in the Summary Component report attached to MSSP-1435:

Concept files36

35 records added +

1 record inactivated

as expected, as matches exactly the count in the Summary Component report attached to MSSP-1435:

Description files87

87 records added

as expected, as matches exactly the count in the Summary Component report attached to MSSP-1435:

Inferred Relationship files69

67 records added +

2 records inactivated

as expected, as matches exactly the count in the Summary Component report attached to MSSP-1435:

OWL files36

35 records added +

1 record inactivated

as expected, as matches exactly the count in the Summary Component report attached to MSSP-1435:

Chronic Disease Management refset0MSSP-14350 records changed, as confirmed by Ireland NRC in MSSP-1435
Coronavirus Reference set Ireland refset0MSSP-14350 records changed, as confirmed by Ireland NRC in MSSP-1435
Irish National Early Warning Score refset0MSSP-14350 records changed, as confirmed by Ireland NRC in MSSP-1435
Gynaecology discharge summary refset0MSSP-14350 records changed, as confirmed by Ireland NRC in MSSP-1435

Make Every Contact Count Ireland refset

0MSSP-14350 records changed, as confirmed by Ireland NRC in MSSP-1435
Safeguarding Ireland refset0MSSP-14350 records changed, as confirmed by Ireland NRC in MSSP-1435
eServices Ireland refset0MSSP-14350 records changed, as confirmed by Ireland NRC in MSSP-1435
Ireland Nursing & Midwifery Quality Care-Metrics Dataset refset2MSSP-1435

1 record added plus

1 record inactivated

as confirmed by Ireland NRC in MSSP-1435