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SNOMED CT-enabled User Interfaces user interfaces allow users to search, enter and display SNOMED CT data in healthcare records.


  • Only SNOMED CT terms are displayed on the UI (i.e. no identifiers are shown)
  • Searches supports support partial term matching in any order - e.g. "asth alle" matches "allergic asthma"
  • Searches are responsive - i.e. search results are adjusted dynamically as the user types more letters into the search term
  • Searches can match on any synonym in the given language dialect - e.g. "heart attack", "infarc heart", or "card infarc" will all find 22298006 |Myocardial infarction|
  • Only the preferred term of matching concepts is displayed in the result list - e.g. searching on "heart attack" will display "Myocardial infarction" in the result list
  • Results are ordered with the concept associated with the shortest matching synonym first. Note that the length of the preferred term displayed is not considered; only the length of the synonym that matches the search term.
  • A 'boost' feature is provided that increases the prominence of a selected set of concepts. This can be used to promote frequently used concepts, thereby reducing key strokes for data entry - e.g. searching for "diabetes" with the 'boost' feature turned on will move 'Type 1 diabetes mellitus' and 'Type 2 diabetes mellitus' higher in the result list.
  • Search fields are constrained using dynamic ECL queries - e.g. a search for "appen" on the diagnosis field will match "Appendicitis" (< 404684003 | Clinical finding |), while the same search in the procedures field will match "Appendectomy" (< 404684003 |Procedure|)
  • The UI uses the MRCM to validate inter-field dependencies - e.g. Only procedures that (a) have a |finding site| value that is a member of the Lateralizable body structure reference set, and (b) do not already have a laterality applied within its definition, are allowed to have a laterality (e.g. 'Left', 'Right') assigned by the user in the 'Laterality' field. If the selected procedure already has a laterality applied to its definition, then this value is auto-populated into the 'Laterality' field.

