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Time (UTC)


Action / Deliverables


12:00DevopsSetup new automated JIRA tickets to be generated from the parent International Release ticket, for all Mapping steps below (both internal and external)


12:00SI Mapping TeamMapping team to finalise any last mapping from the final content that came through after 12:00 content cut off (or any issues identified during the Release Mapping Server validation process), and then Resolve their "Mapping Complete" ticket to confirm that "Mapping QA complete".



SI Mapping Team

WCI (External Team)


This is using the content from last night's Daily Build feed (run at 01:00).



SI Content Team

WCI (External Team)

12:30 - SI Content Team to create 2x new Tasks in snowStorm, to accept the upload of the new Map files Delta's (one for SimpleMap + one for ExtendedMap delta files)


12:30SI DevOps Team

Snapshot used to provisionally bring the AP validation etc back up again today, so that it works for the interim period until the new Production release package is signed off tomorrow (on the 15th October this cycle)...


12:30SI Content Team

12:30 - Content Team Release Lead (Maria Braithwaite) to confirm definitively that nothing has been authored (that requires mapping) since the final Daily Build was run.  If it was, the emergency process needs to be invoked (see below)...



Manual/automated backup of Mapping Server 

Chris Morris to automate when possible...


14:00WCI (External Team)

Mapping Server Cloned over to the Release Mapping Server

In future, this should happen immediately after the backup of the Mapping Server is complete, if this can be automated?

RW 2021-11-15: This step is being skipped, unless issues are identified with the maps.


14:00WCI (External Team)*** DRIP FEED SUSPENDED from this point onwards  (planned for tonight only) ***


15:00WCI (External Team)

ICD-0 + ICD-10 map files are then generated by WCI and QA reports checked

Potential for some discussion with Donna if any red flags in these reports...


16:00WCI (External Team)ICD-0 + ICD-10 map files sent to technical team Release manager (Andrew Atkinson) before close of play


16:00WCI (External Team)

ICD-0 + ICD-10 FINAL map files (with BLANK EFFECTIVETIMES) uploaded to the termserver by WCI, using the RF2 Swagger upload process 

RW 2021-11-15: WCI staff got a 403 Access Denied error when trying to create the import for the map files.  INFRA-7907 created to look into what's happening.


16:30SI Content TeamSI Content Team to validate + promote the two Map file tasks



WCI (External Team)

Cron job to completely remove SNOMED + upload the latest version to the Release Mapping Server.

In future, this should happen immediately after the Daily Build/Snapshot provided by DevOps post-versioning is available, if Rick Wood  can automate this?



WCI (External Team)

WCI to validate the Release Mapping Server


04:00WCI (External Team)

WCI to lift maintenance window and allow Mapping Team to access other projects ONLY (GMDN, MedDRA, etc)


13:00SI Release Team

Technical team Release manager builds and validates a new Pre-Production release based on the new versioned content, which now includes both ICD-0 and ICD-10 map content.



15:00SI Release Team

Once Final, versioned Release Build is signed off by Release Manager, it is handed over to DevOps to update the Daily Build, plus all AP validations, etc

As this can take a few days (depending on when the weekends fall this cycle, etc), in the interim DevOps will use the provisional Snapshot release from the versioning process in order to ensure minimal downtime for these services.


18:00WCI (External Team)

*** Mapping Drip feed is restarted  ***


Daily Build runs for the first time since the initial cut off. 

Mapping Drip feed runs for the first time since the initial cut off.


09:00SI Mapping TeamSI Mapping Team are able to re-start work for the next cycle


09:00EveryoneDR PLAN:  If there is a Critical (P1) issue found in either the Map files or the final SNOMED CT content (shouldn't be due to the new task/project validation, but we need an emergency process just in case), then WCI can import a specific fix branch straight into the Cloned Release Mapping Server, without bleed through from the next month's content.  However, this should only be used in the genuine emergency situations...
