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Authoring begins for November 2021 International release.

Check for and request updates to validation to align with large scale changes to content development (e.g. axiom, GCI, concrete domains etc).

Content Release Manager to check Daily Build RVF report daily to ensure no failures in the "Traceability Service" assertion(s).  These will provide advanced notice of the type of failures we currently don't find until Release time (items missing from the RF2 manifest, package formatting issues, etc), so that they can be fixed well before the release.


No further batch loads or bulk updates.

No further promotion for projects that have large scale changes for example promotion from the Community Content or changes to foundational hierarchies likely to have impact across other content.

Cross check that all MRCM changes have been made and the associated content changes completed (i.e. no MRCM errors on Main). No further changes to MRCM.

Create the module dependency records for the next release.

Content TeamContent Team to do everything possible to complete ALL promotions before the day of the Content Cut Off.  This is to prevent last minute issues for the Mapping Team.

09:00 - Content Team Release Lead (Maria Braithwaite) to confirm initially that nothing has been/will be authored (that requires mapping) since the final Daily Build was run.  If it was, the Mapping Team needs to be informed immediately, so they can try and map it last minute before the 12:30 Mapping Cut Off.

Last day for the Content team to promote any changes intended for release in the current editing cycle.

Content review for conflict with LOINC agreement.

12.00 - Final project promotion!

Content team may continue to author after final project promotion and until the authoring platform is under maintenance window, but must not delete any concepts or components that have already been promoted for the November 2021 release. No project promotion until further notice.


Release Team


12:00 - Content release manager final content review and validation in the current release branch:

  • Confirm root concept has been updated - November 2021 release.
  • Review RVF report.
  • Review MRCM report.
  • Check the exceptions list for all components listed during the current release cycle.
  • Run 'Inactivated concept in ref set' report.
  • Spell check/ check descriptions file for inaccuracies or typos.
  • Reporting platform release validation section - KPI patterns, case sensitivity, duplicate terms, release issues report, validate inactivations report.
  • Reporting platform release statistic section - Concepts changed, Inactivated concepts, New components, New descriptions, Release stats, Summary component stats.

12:00 - Mapping team to finalise any last mapping from the final content that came through after 12:00 content cut off (or any issues identified during the Release Mapping Server validation process), and then Resolve their "Mapping Complete" ticket to confirm that "Mapping QA complete".


Content Release Leads 

(Maria Braithwaite)

12:30 - SI Content Team to create 2x new Tasks in snowStorm, to accept the upload of the new Map files Delta's (one for SimpleMap + one for ExtendedMap delta files)

WCI (Rick Wood)

Mapping Generation process (ICD-0 + ICD-10) - November 2021

NB  The mapping process will use the content from LAST NIGHT's final Daily Build (at 01:00).  This means that in theory something could slip through and remain unmapped, IF it's authored after the final Daily build and before the Content Cut Off (ie) between 01:00 - 12:00. 

  • 12:30 - Content Team Release Lead (Maria Braithwaite) to confirm definitively that nothing has been authored (that requires mapping) since the final Daily Build was run.  If it was, the emergency process needs to be invoked (see below)...
  • 13:00 - Manual/automated backup of Mapping Server - Chris Morristo automate when possible...
  • 14:00 - (or Mapping Server is Cloned over to the Release Mapping Server (can be done immediately after the backup is complete if Rick Wood  WCI can automate this?), the Mapping Server is Cloned over to the Release Mapping Server.  FYI   This is only necessary if there are definable risks of the Content changing between now and the Published Production release at the end of the month
  • 15:00 - WCI generate ICD-0 + ICD-10 map files and QA reports checked
    • Potential for some discussion with Donna if any red flags in these reports...
  • 16:00 - WCI send ICD-0 + ICD-10 FINAL map files to technical team Release manager (Andrew Atkinson) before close of play
  • 16:00 - WCI upload ICD-0 + ICD-10 FINAL map files (with BLANK EFFECTIVETIMES) to the termserver, using the RF2 Swagger upload process 
  • 16:30 - SI Content Team to validate + promote the two Map file tasks
    • Backup plan:  If there is a Critical (P1) issue found in the final content (shouldn't be due to the new task/project validation, but we need an emergency process just in case), then WCI can import a specific fix branch straight into the Cloned Release Mapping Server, without bleed through from the next month's content.  However, this should only be used in the genuine emergency situations...


Release Team

14:00 - For the first few releases the Release Manager should run an initial full Release against the UN-VERSIONED content, to ensure no failures in the "Traceability Service" assertion(s) in the RVF report.  These will provide advanced notice of the type of failures we currently don't find until Release time (items missing from the RF2 manifest, package formatting issues, etc), so that they can be fixed well before the release.  

Versioning to proceed once Release Manager confirms that there are no Critical issues in this build.

***** NOTE there will be some false positives in the new Traceability Assertions (assertionUuid: "b7f727d7-9226-4eef-9a7e-47a8580f6e7a") until the map files can be finalised and uploaded to the termserver (see below) the number of failures should exactly match the number of records across BOTH map file delta's - so if this is the case these can be ignored until the map files are uploaded to the termserver in a few days...

15:00 - AAT to send request to WCI for preview Mapping files (ICD-0/ICD-10 only), for use in the pre-versioning validation Build first thing in the morning

No need for this step anymore due to new mapping process...


16:00 - Initial handover meeting - once all signed off, full validation of initial content + fixing of all issues that it is possible to resolve before versioning.

?16:00? - Build of the final, Versioned Build + regression testing

17:00 - If any Critical fixes have been required, we need to:

  • Push them back through to MAIN before versioning
  • Re-run the Daily Build manually in order to ensure that the Mapping Server picks up the latest version


WCI (Rick Wood)

  • 02:00 (or immediately after the Daily Build/Snapshot provided by DevOps post-versioning is available if Rick Wood  can automate this?) - WCI to completely remove SNOMED from the Release Mapping Server + upload the latest version.
  • 03:00 - WCI to validate the Release Mapping Server
  • 04:00 - WCI to lift maintenance window and allow Mapping Team to access other projects ONLY (GMDN, MedDRA, etc)


11:00 - Final handover meeting - final cross check to ensure that all validation complete, and any last minute tasks (refset generation, final Mapping updates from last night's drip feed, etc) are complete before versioning green lit.

12:00 - Technical team release tasks (as and when initial validation is signed off at each milestone)

  • termServer branching and Release versioning
  • Snapshot used to provisionally bring the AP validation etc back up again today, so that it works for the interim period until the new Production release package is signed off tomorrow (on the 16 Nov this cycle)...

Reminder to WCI to cut off mapping drip feed (but NOT clone over to Release Server until Mapping Team confirms that both ICD-0/ICD-10 + GMDN maps are all updated based on Content + latest GMDN content.

New versioned Release Build is created and validated by Release Manager


Once Final, versioned Release Build is signed off by Release Manager, it is handed over to DevOps to update the Daily Build, plus all AP validations, etc

Maria Braithwaite


Restart content editing for the next release cycle in the new release branch on authoring platform.

SEND NOTICE to Content team members - all existing tasks must be rebased to prevent problems with the classification (until we can automate all rebases then rebasing the tasks is also needed. Dev Ops will still rebase all projects each release).

Mapping Drip Feed switched back on.

WCI (Rick Wood)

  • 01:00 - Daily Build first run after Versioning 
  • 02:00 - Mapping Drip feed first run after Versioning 
  • 09:00 - Donna and Mapping Team are able to re-start International Mapping work for the next cycle.


Full manual + automated validation of the versioned content.



Preparation of release notes.  (NOT REQUIRED FOR NOVEMBER 2021 RELEASE).

Handover of release notes to Technical release manager. (NOT REQUIRED FOR NOVEMBER 2021 RELEASE).


Share with external stakeholders for pre-Production release sent to relevant stakeholders for final review, plus fixing + regression testing of all issues identified.

Andrew Atkinson

Production internal release date.
