Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

July 2020 PRODUCTION (PUBLISHED) to January 2021 PreAlpha (Version 1) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
RefsetDescriptor files9

9 records updated with new values as expected - see email from Linda + Kai at 09:45 on  

< 0aee0539-4dab-4ece-ba63-df08a347fb2c 20210131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1119417006 449608002 1119460002 0
< 1d472f20-d375-4b15-bccb-fff42ae145ce 20210131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1119468009 449608002 1119460002 0
< 29d8e58d-ed48-46f9-ad3f-ba1f4f01302e 20210131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1119468009 1119454002 1119437005 1
< 673ec076-149d-4df0-9bb0-9faac6479377 20210131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1119435002 1119436001 1119437005 1
< 74023db2-c222-475f-a97f-3a98250e5d04 20210131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1119417006 1119456000 1119461003 2
< 8f6aa174-31a6-471f-af95-1418194ed6e0 20210131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1119435002 733616009 1119461003 2
< c5e6e15c-97c5-4a74-ac82-a432590e3cb7 20210131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1119468009 1119457009 1119461003 2
< f09f2c8a-2007-4226-9df6-e5fcb20edb1e 20210131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1119417006 1119454002 1119437005 1
< f61db339-44bd-498b-90ca-a2c47b2a4b16 20210131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1119435002 449608002 1119460002 0

> 4cec04dc-3114-4d53-afb3-4e301ec5f9a7 20210131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1119417006 1119456000 1119461003 2
> 55149ce7-0f6a-466b-b725-d8b8148346ea 20210131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1119468009 1119457009 1119461003 2
> 5af14eb4-22ea-44a7-ac2e-d3020d65eb54 20210131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1119417006 449608002 1119460002 0
> 5b71848a-d01f-4f28-9d4b-ed492286574b 20210131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1119435002 1119436001 1119437005 1
> 6acc6355-08e1-42dd-87eb-c7b45cf2d87c 20210131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1119435002 733616009 1119461003 2
> a667f737-5b42-4e05-ab96-31021401d5ea 20210131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1119435002 449608002 1119460002 0
> ac06da05-000c-467d-8682-98c2d0a6cd21 20210131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1119468009 1119454002 1119437005 1
> dd1f1cb6-8c7a-40df-9d1a-f0b4d5809414 20210131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1119468009 449608002 1119460002 0
> ed7bf239-357c-44ec-a6d6-547915d1f7b7 20210131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1119417006 1119454002 1119437005 1

Description files5


2 records inactivated, plus

< 4230235014 20210131 1 900000000000207008 1017214008 en 900000000000003001 Viral infection of bloodstream caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome
> 4230235014 20210131 0 900000000000207008 1017214008 en 900000000000003001 Viral infection of bloodstream caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (disorder) 900000000000020002

< 4230236010 20210131 1 900000000000207008 1017214008 en 900000000000013009 Viral infection of bloodstream caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 900000000000020002
> 4230236010 20210131 0 900000000000207008 1017214008 en 900000000000013009 Viral infection of bloodstream caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 900000000000020002

3 records added

> 4525596012 20210131 1 900000000000207008 1017214008 en 900000000000013009 Viremia caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 900000000000020002
> 4525597015 20210131 1 900000000000207008 1017214008 en 900000000000013009 Viraemia caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 900000000000020002
> 4525598013 20210131 1 900000000000207008 1017214008 en 900000000000003001 Viremia caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (disorder) 900000000000020002 expected due to Maria's fixes that she confirmed in ISRS-921 on  

SimpleMap files3545

3545 records refreshed with new UUID's as expected

Attribute Value files2ISRS-921

2 records added

> a6016494-92b4-47e8-88bf-0a4d9ce69abd 20210131 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 4230235014 900000000000485001
> dcd3b0ef-329b-4da9-b9b6-ea48ad2087e6 20210131 1 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 4230236010 900000000000485001 expected due to 2x descriptions being inactivated as part of Maria's fixes that she confirmed in ISRS-921 on  

Language refset files8ISRS-921

4 records inactivated, plus

< 88b3b15c-f415-4c53-8703-89c991ac4f2a 20210131 1 900000000000207008 900000000000508004 4230236010 900000000000549004
> 88b3b15c-f415-4c53-8703-89c991ac4f2a 20210131 0 900000000000207008 900000000000508004 4230236010 900000000000549004

< 98f48d37-8185-42a6-8282-bd9c30a460fd 20210131 1 900000000000207008 900000000000509007 4230235014 900000000000548007
> 98f48d37-8185-42a6-8282-bd9c30a460fd 20210131 0 900000000000207008 900000000000509007 4230235014 900000000000548007

< 0d547b9f-657a-417b-a124-8c4af912388b 20210131 1 900000000000207008 900000000000509007 4230236010 900000000000549004
> 0d547b9f-657a-417b-a124-8c4af912388b 20210131 0 900000000000207008 900000000000509007 4230236010 900000000000549004

< d88aa348-e06a-4172-bb5f-c1dfa7f30473 20210131 1 900000000000207008 900000000000508004 4230235014 900000000000548007
> d88aa348-e06a-4172-bb5f-c1dfa7f30473 20210131 0 900000000000207008 900000000000508004 4230235014 900000000000548007

4 records added

> e61b786a-89f0-44c2-af4b-c1f724fbaa95 20210131 1 900000000000207008 900000000000508004 4525598013 900000000000548007
> 544caf0a-ae2b-4d66-974f-3472ea5ee968 20210131 1 900000000000207008 900000000000509007 4525598013 900000000000548007
> 68e6fe0e-7d32-4373-a8bb-c51a5c05b656 20210131 1 900000000000207008 900000000000508004 4525597015 900000000000549004
> 9993b77b-335b-4b30-a425-e8eb6458109e 20210131 1 900000000000207008 900000000000509007 4525596012 900000000000549004 expected due to 2x descriptions being inactivated + 3x descriptions replacing them, as part of Maria's fixes that she confirmed in ISRS-921 on  

July 2020 PRODUCTION (PUBLISHED) to January 2021 PreAlpha (Version 1) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
RefsetDescriptor files

9 records added for new expression refsets as expected - see email from Linda + Kai at 02:37 on  

> 0aee0539-4dab-4ece-ba63-df08a347fb2c 20210131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1119417006 449608002 1119460002 0
> 1d472f20-d375-4b15-bccb-fff42ae145ce 20210131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1119468009 449608002 1119460002 0
> 29d8e58d-ed48-46f9-ad3f-ba1f4f01302e 20210131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1119468009 1119454002 1119437005 1
> 673ec076-149d-4df0-9bb0-9faac6479377 20210131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1119435002 1119436001 1119437005 1
> 74023db2-c222-475f-a97f-3a98250e5d04 20210131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1119417006 1119456000 1119461003 2
> 8f6aa174-31a6-471f-af95-1418194ed6e0 20210131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1119435002 733616009 1119461003 2
> c5e6e15c-97c5-4a74-ac82-a432590e3cb7 20210131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1119468009 1119457009 1119461003 2
> f09f2c8a-2007-4226-9df6-e5fcb20edb1e 20210131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1119417006 1119454002 1119437005 1
> f61db339-44bd-498b-90ca-a2c47b2a4b16 20210131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1119435002 449608002 1119460002 0

Lateralizable Refset (Simple refset) files169 

152 new records

plus 17 inactivated records

As expected as matches Yong's intentions, which he sent in email at 16:29 on  ...

Which again matches the 169 records in the Delta file downloaded from the Refset Tool...

Concept files

1901 records updated, plus


3512 records inactivated, plus


3545 records added,

??????????????as expected as matches exactly with ?????????????? report:  (plus confirmed by Maria/Yong to be as expected in email at ??????????????)

Description files

8004 records updated, plus


3568 records inactivated, plus


12951 records added

(no data on this from reports) - Yong confirmed that this is approximately the expected amount on ???????????)

Relationship files

3402 records updated, plus


40147 records inactivated, plus


51176 records added

(no data on this from reports) - Yong confirmed that this is approximately the expected amount on ???????????)

OwlExpression files

12476 records updated, plus


3568 records inactivated, plus


4006 records added

(no data on this from reports) - Yong confirmed that this is approximately the expected amount on ???????????)

Stated Relationship files0

0 records updated, plus

0 records inactivated, plus

0 records added

As expected due to full migration to OWLExpression file in the last July 2019 International Edition

TextDefinition files

0 records updated, plus


100 records inactivated, plus


671 records added

(no data on this from reports) - Yong confirmed that this is approximately the expected amount on ???????????)

SimpleMap files

0 records updated, plus


0 records inactivated for ICD-0 (446608001)

as expected, matching the 43 records in the Delta from mapping tool + the figures in the icdostats.txt file from WCI, plus



records added, as expected as:

  • 3044 added for CTV3 (900000000000497000) as part of the normal authoring cycle updates, exported from the termServer - this is the exact expected amount as it matches exactly the number of new concepts created in the latest authoring cycle
  • + 28 new/updated records for ICD-0 (446608001) as expected, matching the 28 records in the Delta from mapping tool + the figures in the icd0stats.txt file from WCI.
ExtendedMap files

9 records updated, plus


3276 records inactivated, plus


2189 records added,

as expected from the 1877 additions + 885 inactivations in the ICD-10 map (449080006) Delta file that WCI sent us from the mapping tool export + NOT the figures in the icd10stats.txt file from WCI (WHICH CANNOT CURRENTLY BE USED FOR VALIDATION PURPOSES DUE TO THE EXTENDED MAP ALLOWING MULTIPLE MAP RECORDS PER CONCEPT, AND US ONLY BEING ABLE OT VALIDATE NUMBER OF MAP RECORDS (not number of concepts) ADDED/INACTIVATED IN THIS CYCLE - HAVE ASKED RICK HOW EASY IT'D BE TO UPDATE THE REPORT TO INCLUDE THESE STATS INSTEAD OF/AS WELL AS THE CURRENT Concept level STATS....

Simple Refset files

0 records updated, plus


17 records inactivated, plus


152 records added, as expected from the Lateralizable Refset changes (723264001) that Yong made in this cycle, exported in a Delta file from the Refset tool

(plus confirmed by Maria to be as expected in her email at ??????????)

ModuleDependency files


3 records updated, as expected for January


2021 effectiveTimes

Readme file



2021 dates updated +


Beta "x" prefixes added, as expected

MRCM AttributeDomain files

4 records updated

As confirmed by Linda's in line with the changes she made to master sheet for the January 2020 cycle:

(plus confirmed by Maria + Yong to be as expected in emails at 12:51 on 4/12/2019)

2 records re-activated:

< 03b4720d-5840-41d5-bcf4-884c603acc28 20190731 0 900000000000012004 723561005 774158006

2 new records added:

> 02f30651-d535-40d1-83be-3e73bacb0c20 20210131 1 900000000000012004 723561005 320081000221109 373873005 0 0..1 0..0 723597001 723596005









884c603acc28 20200131

02d3756faace 20210131 1 900000000000012004 723561005


320091000221107 373873005 0 0..1 0..0 723597001 723596005

< f3a97490-6c74-404e-a3e9-436b7d4ca2a1 20190731 0 900000000000012004 723561005 774159003 373873005 0 0..1 0..0 723597001 723596005

> f3a97490-6c74-404e-a3e9-436b7d4ca2a1 20200131 1 900000000000012004 723561005 774159003 373873005 0 0..1 0..0 723597001 723596005

Plus 2 records inactivated:

< 0c13203d-fddb-43eb-841b-0851b1dff64e 20190731 1 900000000000012004 723561005 774159003 781405001 0 0..1 0..0 723597001 723596005
> 0c13203d-fddb-43eb-841b-0851b1dff64e 20200131 0 900000000000012004 723561005 774159003 781405001 0 0..1 0..0 723597001 723596005

< baea9566-e726-4403-bafa-59944e056d74 20190731 1 900000000000012004 723561005 774158006 781405001 0 0..1 0..0 723597001 723596005
> baea9566-e726-4403-bafa-59944e056d74 20200131 0 900000000000012004 723561005 774158006 781405001 0 0..1 0..0 723597001 723596005

MRCM AttributeRange files1

1 records updated, plus 0 updated, plus

MRCM AttributeRange files5

2 records added, plus

> 47eced5c-af89-41ec-95a4-cbcb992438c3 20210131 1 900000000000012004 723562003 320081000221109 < 260299005 |Number (qualifier value)| << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)|: [0..1] 320081000221109 |Unit of presentation size quantity| = < 260299005 |Number (qualifier value)| 723597001 723596005
> 5c1e3361-3410-460e-87e3-3c8b76e00c39 20210131 1 900000000000012004 723562003 320091000221107 << 767524001 |Unit of measure (qualifier value)| << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)|: [0..1] 320091000221107 |Unit of presentation size unit| = << 767524001 |Unit of measure (qualifier value)| 723597001 723596005

3 records updated:

< 3385133c-0886-4c6f-9e6d-2f1d216c9f91 20170731 1 900000000000012004 723562003 370133003 << 105590001 |Substance (substance)| << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)|: [0..*] { [0..1] 370133003 |Specimen substance| = << 105590001 |Substance (substance)| } 723597001 723596005
> 3385133c-0886-4c6f-9e6d-2f1d216c9f91 20210131 1 900000000000012004 723562003 370133003 << 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| << 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)|: [0..*] { [0..1] 370133003 |Specimen substance| = (<< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| OR << 260787004 |Physical object (physical object)| OR << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)|) } 723597001 723596005

< adbbf064-83a0-4125-85a5-6409dc352888 20200731 1 900000000000012004 723562003 370130000 << 118598001 |Property of measurement (qualifier value)| (<< 363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)| OR << 386053000 |Evaluation procedure (procedure)|): [0..1] { [0..1] 370130000 |Property| = << 118598001 |Property of measurement (qualifier value)| } 723597001 723596005
> adbbf064-83a0-4125-85a5-6409dc352888 20210131 1 900000000000012004 723562003 370130000 << 118598001 |Property (qualifier value)| (<< 363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)| OR << 386053000 |Evaluation procedure (procedure)|): [0..1] { [0..1] 370130000 |Property| = << 118598001 |Property (qualifier value)| } 723597001 723596005

< f58d75aa-599a-42e7-9f35-31a9c8a7d6d9


20200131 1 900000000000012004 723562003 246501002 << 272394005 |Technique (qualifier value)| OR << 273249006 |Assessment scales (assessment scale)| << 363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)|: [0..*] { [0..1] 246501002 |Technique| = (<< 272394005 |Technique (qualifier value)| OR << 273249006 |Assessment scales (assessment scale)|) } 723597001 723596005


> f58d75aa-599a-42e7-9f35-31a9c8a7d6d9


20210131 1 900000000000012004 723562003 246501002 <<


254291000 |

Technique (qualifier value

Staging and scales (staging scale)| OR <<


272394005 |

Assessment scales (assessment scale

Technique (qualifier value)| << 363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)|: [0..*] { [0..1] 246501002 |Technique| = (<<


254291000 |

Technique (qualifier value

Staging and scales (staging scale)| OR <<


272394005 |

Assessment scales (assessment scale

Technique (qualifier value)|) } 723597001 723596005

As confirmed by Linda's in line with the changes she made to master sheet for t
he January 2020 cycle:

(plus confirmed by Maria + Yong to be as expected in emails at 12:51 on 4/12/2019)

MRCM Domain files

5 records updated, plus

0 inactivated, plus

0 new record added

As confirmed by Linda's in line with the changes she made to master sheet for the the January 2020 cycle:

(plus confirmed by Maria + Yong to be as expected in emails at 12:51 on 4/12/2019)

Association Reference files

2 records updated, plus


4488 records inactivated, plus


8301 records added

Yong confirmed that this is approximately the expected amount on ?????????? There are ??????? new additions and ????????? inactivation for the 734138000|Anatomy structure and entire association reference set (foundation metadata concept)|

Attribute Value files

4791 records updated, plus


3186 records inactivated,


29298 records added

(no data on this from reports) - Yong confirmed that this is approximately the expected amount on ???????????)

Language refset files

456 records updated, plus


6970 records inactivated, plus


26049 records added

(no data on this from reports) - Yong confirmed that this is approximately the expected amount on ???????????)