15740761000119102 15740801000119105 314591000119101 314601000119108 15687921000119105 15688081000119106 15742721000119106 15742681000119100 322231000119104 322221000119102 15669761000119105 15669801000119102 15667921000119108 15667881000119101 15668801000119105 15668921000119109 15632731000119103 12241631000119102 12241671000119104 10737321000119104 10737281000119109 10822531000119108 10821091000119107 10816221000119100 10823291000119101 10818061000119102 10823691000119104 10830701000119107 10937241000119107 10929921000119100 10926721000119105 15631971000119109 15631931000119106 11307081000119101 15666641000119107 15742281000119102 |Sinus tarsi syndrome of left ankle (disorder) 15742321000119107 |Sinus tarsi syndrome of right ankle (disorder)|| 15724521000119109 |Snapping right hip (disorder)| 15724481000119109 |Snapping left hip (disorder)| 15668561000119109 |Talipes valgus of left foot (disorder) 15668601000119109 |Talipes valgus of right foot (disorder) 2391000175104|Bariatric surgery service (qualifier value) 303261000119107|Calcific tendinitis of right shoulder (disorder) 303191000119108|Calcific tendinitis of left shoulder (disorder) 308701000119107|Ganglion cyst of right hand (disorder) 308621000119105|Ganglion cyst of left hand (disorder) 305581000119101|Contracture of joint of right wrist (disorder) 305501000119109|Contracture of joint of left wrist (disorder) 305481000119100|Contracture of left knee joint (disorder) 305561000119105|Contracture of right knee joint (disorder) 305551000119108|Contracture of right hip joint (disorder) 305471000119103|Contracture of left hip joint (disorder) 305521000119100|Contracture of right elbow joint (disorder) 305441000119105|Contracture of left elbow joint (disorder) 305511000119107|Contracture of joint of right ankle (disorder) 305431000119101|Contracture of joint of left ankle (disorder) 15703521000119101|Contracture of left Achilles tendon (disorder) 15703481000119101|Contracture of right Achilles tendon (disorder) 306971000119104|Effusion of right knee joint (disorder) 15676521000119107|Tendinitis of extensor tendon of right hand (disorder) 15676601000119102|Tendinitis of extensor tendon of left hand (disorder) 15676441000119102|Tendinitis of flexor tendon of right hand (disorder) 15676401000119104|Tendinitis of flexor tendon of left hand (disorder) 10628271000119102|Paronychia of toe of right foot (disorder) 10628231000119100|Paronychia of toe of left foot (disorder)